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As the plane started to descend stiles stand up and walked up to Derek "I need you to move from that seat" stiles said with a smile and kind of blushing but then he put on a strict face "why? Is there something important? Or you just hate me that much" Derek said wanting to punch stiles because he put him down with the dart gun, stiles looked down and then at Derek "I'm sorry okay now move and yeah that seat is important" stiles said a little mad looking away "fine" Derek stood up and walk past stiles bumping his shoulder against him "happy" Derek said sitting down on a different seat "actually I am" stiles got on his knees and open the seat hiding some car keys and 5 guns "this is why I wanted you to get up asshole" stiles said throwing on gun to Derek "hey careful I don't want my head blown off" Derek said grabbing the gun and checking if it was armed "it's armed stupid and it has the safety on too" stiles said standing up while grabbing the four guns left and giving one to Ethan and Aden "Nick knows me so well" stiles said holding the 2 remaining guns "guns with silencers" stiles said taking the safety off the guns "whoa stiles are you sure taking the safety off is a good idea" Ethan said worrying about stiles "shhh" stiles said as the plane already was in the ground "Derek open the door" stiles commanded quietly hoping the pilots didn't heard him "I'm not taking orders from you since you shot me... With a sleeping dart" Derek said loudly "and why are we whispering there's no one in this plane but us" Derek yelled at stiles "oh my god, shut up, Aden tranquillize him" stiles told Aden looking at the cockpit where the 2 pilots where preparing to shoot stiles and the others "Aden the door now" we need to get out of here" stiles said hiding behind the seat where the guns where that the seat was actually made out of reinforced steel "get Derek out and start the car" stiles said throwing the keys to Ethan "now go and wait for me"

stiles said pointing at the cockpit, as Aden got Derek out and Ethan was already in a car, stiles noticed that this was too easy "shit" stiles said standing up and running out the jet "start the car" stiles yelled running towards the car "you heard him start the car Ethan" Aden said commanding Ethan to start the car "start the car" stiles yelled "Ethan start the car" Aden repeated himself "I'm not leaving without him "stiles jumps to the car holding tight to the roof of the car "Ethan start the car fast" Ethan started the car and step on the gas leaving site of the jet as it exploded in matter of seconds that they left.

Stiles broke the back window entering the car from it "next time start the car" stiles said letting out a sarcastic laugh "wait where's Derek" stiles questioned looking for Derek body "he's in the trunk" Aden replied "really guys he'll suffocate back there" stiles said hoping Ethan would stop the car "well it wasn't my idea" Aden said looking at Ethan "hey I thought it was for the best" Ethan looked at stiles whiskey eyes threw the rear view mirror and there were looking a little furious making Ethan sigh and stopping the car "thank you" stiles said opening the door and opening the trunk and carrying Derek in front with him "now the gps should tell us how to get to the hotel and step on it we're already late" stiles sigh looking down and injecting Derek with adrenaline making Derek wake up "you drug me, again" Derek said looking at stiles angry "I told you to open the door and yelled when I was going to kill 2 guys that wanted to kill us by exploding the jet we arrived" stiles said hoping for a thank you "yeah right like I'm actually going to believe you" Derek said rubbing the back of his neck "oh you don't believe me" stiles turns on a mini tv that's in the car as the news reporter talk "A Jet explode in some road there was no one on the plane thank god only the two pilots that aren't recognized thank god the fire department arrived in time" stiles turned the Tv off "now you believe me Sourwolf" stiles said sitting straight "Don't. Call. Me. That" Derek looked at stiles "but thanks for taking me out of the plane" Derek sigh "I guess I was being stupid" Derek said looking at stiles but then looking to the road "we should be there by midnight stiles" Ethan said looking threw the rear view mirror at Derek who was paying attention to stiles and being a huge dick "I guess we are getting late after all" stiles looked down sad but then at Derek but then straight to the road

"why do we need to get there in time" Aden said looking outside the window at the city of California "because Nick is a pain in the ass when I'm not on time" stiles said putting the guns behind Ethan seat "well he's going to get use to it" Derek said looking at stiles and questioning himself if he was getting feelings for stiles "I guess so" stiles said.

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