Its Time We Go

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As they drove back to the hotel where Nick was with Scott, Ethan, Isaac and Allison they are planing something to kill Daniel and end OverSite.

As Derek drive stiles opened the sute case "my dad was keeping this sute case for me" stiles said looking at Derek "okay which begs the question, what's in it" Derek said looking at the sute case "Sourwolf you'll get the answers when we get there" stiles said smirking and laughing "Don't. Call. Me. That for the billionth time" Derek said stepping on the gas and driving faster "why I think it's cute" stiles said grabbing Derek's hand to make him calm down so they won't get in a car accident "I'm sorry, why Sourwolf" Derek asked "I've seen the tattoo on your back" stiles said grabbing Derek's right hand and lacing his fingers with his "yeah so, I've tried to see yours but you always cover it up" Derek said looking at stiles while he looked back at the road "because it's embarrassing okay, that tattoo has literally has meant everything for years and it's true meaning it's not something you want to have on your skin permanently" stiles said releasing there hands.

Derek looked at stiles leg and grabbed it "when you're ready I'll be here waiting for you to tell me" Derek said letting stiles leg go and putting his hand on the wheel.

1 your later they arrived at the hotel and walked to the pent house and everyone was talking about stiles and Derek and as they walked in everyone stopped "wh-what was that all about" stiles asked closing the door and throwing the large sute case on the couch "oh um nothing we where just um he" Scott said nervously looking for someone to help him "nothing we where just having a friendly conversation" Nick said backing up Scott "and may we know what you guys where talking about" Derek said sitting down "personal stuff" Nick replied.

"Okay... Then we'll this is it are we going to shut down OverSite for good" stiles asked walking towards the fridge "yes OverSite" Isaac answer "what's the sute case for" Ethan asked and everyone turn to look at the sute case "well it's um mine so not snooping around" stiles said grabbing a bottle of water and closing the fridge "kid what's in the sute case" Nick asked walking to it "it's personal" stiles said walking faster so Nick won't open it "well for its important" Derek said grabbing the sute case before either of them grabbed it "I'm hiding it" Derek said walking out of the room "I'll come with you" stiles said with a smirk "the idea of hiding it is so neither of you know where it is" Derek said looking at stiles and walking away "but I'll need that back" stiles yelled "yeah yeah whatever" Derek yelled back "soooooo any plans for OverSite" stiles asked rubbing the back of his head "how long have you two been dating" Nick asked smiling and walking to the bar "wh..." A silence filled the room "you head me" Nick said "you and Derek, how long have you been together" Nick repeated himself "yeah stiles how long" Scott followed behind " you know" stiles was nervous so he improvised and yelled "ISAAC HAS A CRUSH ON SCOTT" Isaac blushed looking at stiles "DUDEEEEEE WHAT THE HELL" Isaac yelled of embarrassment and hiding his blush away "rea-" Nick stopped and look at stiles "stop trying to escape the subject boy" Nick said "how long have you two been dating and then I'll worry about Scott and Isaac" Nick said drinking a little vodka "I don't know" stiles said looking down "we haven't dated we just kissed one time" Derek entered the room and a awkward silence filled the room "and really Isaac and Scott, that's new" Derek said "DUDEEEEEE SERIOUSLY" Isaac yelled again of embarrassment "don't worry it's obvious" Ethan said looking at Isaac and laughing "shut it" Isaac said to Ethan "okay am I'm the one weirded out" Allison said with a uncomfortable face and everyone looked at her and shrug and nodded "wow" Allison said looking away and sitting down "I'm not weirded out in fact I'm FREAKING OUT right now what the hell is happening stiles and Derek Isaac and me Nick drinking Ethan just standing there Allison is weirded out and I'm here FREAKING OUT" Scott said looking at everyone "don't worry the kid was going to come out anyway soon" Nick said looking at Isaac "THATS IT I'm going for a swim" Isaac said embarrassed and walking to a room changing in to a swimsuit and walking out "I'll join you since this is a room full of awkwardness Ethan said doing the same and leaving "now that we have the couples" Nick said pointing at stiles and Derek "you 2 sit down NOW" Nick said pointing at them and telling them to sit down "and you funny looking jawline you too" Nick looked at Scott "stiles he's older than you" Nick looked at stiles "and what does that suppose to mean" stiles said looking at Nick "you're 17 and he's 25" Nick said exposing the obvious "SOOO, I'm going to be 18 in a matter of days and you're just here questioning us when we should be looking over our shoulders so OverSite doesn't come looking for us and kill us all" stiles said angrily "I looks like I hit a nerve" Nick said smiling "over the past 10 years you've been hitting a nerve" stiles said standing up "and if you have a problem with it" stiles said walking towards Nick "Deal.With.It" stiles said walking towards the door and leaving "Now he hit a nerve" Nick said looking at Derek "you,don't you da-" Nick got caught off by Derek "dare to do what try to talk to him so he doesn't stay mad or tries doing something stupid like I don't know kill you" Derek said standing up and running to stiles "well that was awkward" Nick said turning to Scott and Allison "sooo you 2 well only you" Nick said pointing to Scott "shut up Nick" Scott said entering his room "I hate being the adult here" Nick put his glass down and grabbed the bottle and started drinking from it "stiles wait up" Derek said getting close to stiles and walking beside him "are you okay" Derek asked "yeah I'm fine why did Nick send you to talk to me" stiles said mad reaching the elevator and pushing the button to the lobby "what no, I actually told Nick to stay out of our business" Derek said as the elevator door open and they walked inside and the door closes "seriously" stiles looked at Derek "yeah in fact" Derek stopped talking and turn to look at stiles "if he cares about what we do" Derek said grabbing stiles waist and pulling him closer "just remember we can always leave" Derek said "I-I like that" stiles said blushing and looking at Derek's hazel eyes and then his lips "anywhere you want" Derek said and pulled stiles for a kiss.

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