California Hospital

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They arrived in California and the first thing Derek dos was take stiles to a hospital. Derek was waiting for a nurse to come back with results Derek was sitting on a chair desperately. As the nurse passed by she stopped in front of Derek "he is alright sir he just lost a lot of blood and we managed to take the bullet out of his shoulder and he should wake up in a hour do you want to wait for him here or" the nurse said looking at Derek "take me to him please" Derek told the nurse "wait I got a question" the nurse said "and that is" Derek said looking down at the nurse "what are you doing Saturday night" the nurse asked Derek smiling "well for starters I'm going to take my boyfriend for dinner, why?" Derek responded "nothing he is in the room 251" the nurse said awkwardly not wanting to take Derek to the room and walking away.

Derek ran to the room 251 and when he arrived there was this man inside sitting next to stiles "and who are you" Derek said reaching for a gun behind his back but not pulling it out "I'm the sherif, stiles father I should be asking you who you are" the sherif said "I'm Derek, Derek hale" Derek said leaving the gun in his back and walking to stiles "is he okay" Derek asked "yeah the nurse said he should wake up in a hour" the sherif said "yeah a nurse told me that too" Derek said standing next to stiles "well I got to go to work do you mind staying here" the sherif asked Derek "no sir" Derek answered the sherif grabbing stiles hand and holding it "thanks oh and when he wakes up tell him to call me" the sherif said leaving "sure" Derek said pulling a chair next to stiles and watching over him.


After an hour passed Derek was sleeping on stiles stomach and stiles woke up and saw him and started rubbing his hand against Derek's hair, Derek woke up "hey Sourwolf" stiles said letting out a little laugh "don't call me that dumbass" Derek said not moving liking that stiles rub his hair "shut up" stiles said "you're father was here" Derek told stiles and stiles stopped rubbing Derek's hair "why did you" Derek stopped talking and looked at stiles that was with tears in his eyes "what's wrong" Derek said looking at stiles worries "My dad abandon me when I was 14" stiles said crying "I'm sorry stiles" Derek said cleaning stiles tears "t-that's why I left and met Nick" stiles said sobbing and Derek hold stiles hand tight "I'm really sorry stiles" Derek said looking at stiles "don't worry is in the past I think" stiles said trying to get up be he couldn't "ouch" stiles said in pain "hey don't push it okay" Derek told stiles helping him "you don't have to hel" stiles stopped talking seeing his dad standing in the door "hey son" the sherif said walking inside "hi john" stiles said looking at the sherif and then looking down "i-I was told that yo" the sherif got caught off by stiles "don't you dare apologize" stiles said with tears in his eyes and grunting "you, you abandoned me" stiles said taking all the cables and things he had standing up and walking to his father "you stopped looking for me" stiles said crying "you blamed mom death on me" stiles said still crying and grunting, Derek stood up and grabbed stiles helping him "hey calm down you still need to rest stiles" Derek said worrying that stiles hurt himself "No Derek I'm fine" stiles said "stiles I'm sorry okay I wasn't myself" the sherif held stiles hand trying to help stiles "no don't touch me" stiles said removing his arm of his dad "you told me by text that you weren't coming back" stiles was crying loud and everyone in the hospital was listening that's when Ethan and Nick entered the room "what's going on" Nick asked "nothing Nick my dad was just leaving" stiles said walking to the bed "no I'm not I'm not leaving till my son accepts my apology, I'm sorry that I blamed claudia death on you" John said looking at stiles but stiles threw a glasses case at the wall "don't you dare say her name" stiles yelled "stiles calm down okay" Derek said giving stiles comfort "just calm down okay" Derek repeated "I'm sorry son" John said looking down sad "give him time mate he will forgive you but give him time" Nick said patting the sherif shoulder "stiles please forgive me" John repeated himself for 10 times "DAD JUST LEAVE ALREADY" stiles yelled crying and Derek was holding him and hugging him tight so stiles stopped but he didn't stopped yelling or crying "I-I can't forgive him" stiles Sadi burying his head in Derek's chest "shhh it's okay stiles when you're ready you will okay" Derek said calming stiles.

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