Double Agent

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"Like I said stiles you're helping me take down OverSite" Derek said driving fast "why would you do that?" stiles questioned Derek "just let him know what we want him to know" Daniel spoke to Derek by an earpiece.

"well let's just say they killed someone very closed to me" Derek said not revealing that he had a small earpiece that Daniel could hear "sounds good to me" stiles said looking at the back seat where Ethan and Aden where still knocked out "who are they" Derek asked wanting to know who was he bringing back to OverSite "Ethan and Aden they're friends I made in OverSite" stiles said turning to face Derek and then the road "well I hope you got a place to stay" Derek asked stiles while he drove faster "oh I do, just turn left right here" stiles said "why did you rescued me?" Derek asked stiles "Don't ask questions Derek this is a mission and he is your mission so spy on him no questions"

Daniel said angrily by the earpiece "huh, what" stiles said asking Derek to repeat himself "forget it, it wasn't important" Derek said "well I got a phone call to make so, stop the car" stiles said looking at Derek "I don't have to take orders from you" Derek said looking back at stiles while driving "really tough guy" stiles said taking a gun out "this one is loaded and I'm pretty sure I know how to use it up close" stiles said threatening Derek "Fine" Derek said sarcastically and hitting the breaks "you got 10 minutes" Derek said.

Stiles got out of the car, taking his cellphone out calling Nick "Nick how you been" stiles asked Nick "I've been good how's jail" Nick said laughing "oh it's good you know took down 3 cops and escaped" stiles said "nice I taught you well" Nick replied "yeah and right now I need to know where you are" stiles said putting away the gun and taking the sleep dart gun out "I'm in California in the Hilton Arden West Sacramento the west building" Nick said while looking back at a door "oh and there's someone here that you know since you where kids "Scott's there" stiles said with a little happiness "yeah, and you better hurry he is desperate to see you" Nick said "well I'll be right there, oh and I need you to wire me some money for 4 people" stiles said looking at Derek "sure I'll wired the money" Nick said turning on a computer wiring money to stiles "thanks see you soon buddy" stiles said walking towards the car "okay is sleeping time" stiles said while he shot Derek with the dart gun and moving him to the seat next to him. "Ethan... Aden wake up" stiles said slapping them on the cheeks "that hurt" Ethan said "yeah it hurt a lot" Aden said "well sorry but you were out to long" stiles replied "so that's Derek" Ethan said "yep that's him and now we're driving to an airport because we're going to California" stiles replied looking threw the rear view mirror "we don't have money" Aden answer sarcastically "don't worry about that" stiles replied checking his phone to see a text message that said money transferred "Ethan, Aden can you guys tied Derek up" stiles said looking at Derek "sure thing"

Ethan pulled the body back with them and tying him with duck tape "I'm going up front" Aden said jumping to the front seat "well let's go then" stiles step on the gas going faster to the airport.

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