Chapter 7

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As Daveed and Oak ate their cheesecake on the Terrance of Juniors, They argued over some interesting drama backstage. I say interesting because nothing ever happens, gossip wise.

"Andrew just needs to chill out. He thinks he will have our job one day and be on our level." Daveed continued his rant, irrationally might I add.

If you don't quite know, Andrew Chappelle is a swing. Mighty fine at it too, he is an incredible performer. Swings makes the show work, although some arrogant principles may not think that.

Leaning back in my chair, I listened to the drama, smirking. Daveed and Oak were acting like ignnorant assholes, if only they'd realize that.

"I don't think it's a big deal because he doesn't have half the talent we do" Oak leaned back into his chair, after a quick bite of strawberry cheesecake and a sip of his lemonade.

A tug on my pants made me notice, it was April. What was April doing here? I mean she pushed me out onto the street with Lin, Why would I even speak to her?

Through the railing, Her long brown hair feel a curtain to her face, it was April. I gave her a look of irritation and tried to deny her, but recieved a pleading expression in reponse, so I gave in.

"Hey, I'm going to step outside for a second," I said, leaving the table as the Boys continued their argument, giving me a half hearted response not truly paying attention.

After pushing my chair in, I ran down the few steps to the concrete, where I met face to face with April.

"Can I just talk to you for a minute? " April was very cautious towards her. Gracie was equally as cautious, but slowly nodded.

"I really, really didn't mean to push you, like it wasn't deliberate." She started, as Gracie paid close attention. "I just...I'm a really big fan of Lin and Hamilton. It's not just everyday you run into Lin Manuel Miranda."

April was looking for any sign of acceptance on my face, but I was hesitant. She pushed me in a fucking street, in NEW FREAKING YORK.

"I understand, He's really famous on Broadway, and I just was kind of in the state of shock" I lied through my teeth, I could see the evil grin on April's face. Fans could be so crazy, I was just one of them. Surprisingly wanting to go back to Oak and Daveed's rants, rather than be here.
April gave me a smile that quickly faded when we both heard two familiar voices speak.

"Gracie? Where did you go?"
The smile once on April's face turned to an unreadable expression that I couldn't understand. She grabbed my wrist in a rough, violent way. With that, I was dragged through the crowded streets of NYC. We spent many minutes running until we stood on a nearly empty alley street.

"Lin is going to find me and then he is going to kill me" I furiously ran my fingers through my hair, not knowing what to do about this. A real life Jason Dean psychopath had now kidnapped me. I'd be in trouble for not only being lost and causing a lot of stress on everyone, but also being around April in the first place.

"You have think you have consequences?" April spat with a laugh. "What does he do, Sit you down and rap out your punishment?" She cackled, sadistically. She just didn't understand what I worried about.

"It's not the punishment!" I yelled. "It's like I don't want to disappointment him, or Anthony or Jasmine." I slid down the brick wall.

Suddenly, I heard Daveed and Oak's voices.

"Her cell phone tracker says she right down the next street." April grabbed my wrist, hurting me even more.

"Let me go!!" I screamed, gaining more confidence in myself, knowing I'd needed the guys' help.

"No! I want to meet Lin! " She yanked onto my wrist, pulling me forcefully away from the wall.

Daveed grabbed April off of my wrist and thew her to the ground. I took of running towards Lin, throwing my arms around his waist. He just held my head in his hands as he mumbled incoherent calming words, contrasting the yelling coming from Daveed and Oak at April. This would not end up well for her.
"Do you want us to call the police?" Lin offered.

I lifted my head, "I-I want to go back home."

Lin just looked puzzled in the face, Daveed looked up to Lin. "Go." He took me and fled back to the Richard Rodgers, I felt super exhausted, like I was going to pass out. Once we got to his dressing room in the theatre, I climbed onto the bed in his dressing room.

"I love you okay?" He let me know, Lin had such sorrow in his eyes, "and I'm sorry."

"I know...."

"I want more protection for you...."

"Okay, Lin" I just kinda sat there lifeless.

More protection? This couldn't be good.
"I'll let you know when we figure it out"

My wrist and lower arm hurt, there was bruising. April wasn't trying meet Lin, she was trying to hurt me. It was real pain, real hurt, not from wanting to meet Lin, but to harm me.
I closed my eyes and pulled the covers up, then pulled my hands out over the blanket. As I tried to sleep, the flashes of a phone, undoubtedly, kept on blinking. I opened my eyes with the sight of Lin taking pictures of the bruising.

"Lin, What are you doing?" He continued to take pictures of the bruising.

"I just need pictures for proof. "

"Oh," I laid my head back on the pillow. "Wait...I know you,you're going to tweet what happened," I covered my eyes with my hands.

He laid a hand on my shoulder, "I just want the fans to be wary of our lives. You got seriously hurt, I don't want it to happen to you again or anyone in the cast" I just smiled at his thoughts.

"Lin, we can we talk?" It was Daveed.
"Yeah, can it happen infront of Gracie, or no?" Lin asked.
"Its fine," Daveed consented, walking further into the room.
"Lin, she fled the scene before we could even talk much to her. She said that she just wanted to meet Lin and talk with him but Gracie kept on getting in the way" Daveed tensed up, talking about the situation.

"I'm not pressing charges" I dropped my head.

"Don't you think-" Oak started, but I cut him off.

" She just wanted to meet Lin, I'm not giving her that satisfaction. I'm not letting her get to know any of us. "

"It's your call, Lin"

"Thank you for understanding, Guys" He shook Daveed and Oak's hands. "Now, I'm going to let Gracie sleep and I suggest you two do as well,"

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