Chapter 15

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I know this wasn't an original chapter but I am adding big important chapter back to my book, and ends to shorter chapters. Ex: Grammys, Bam4Ham, Tonys.

Now this is the Grammys.

Gracie's POV

"Hey, Honey! We have morning rehearsal for the grammy's tonight." I hear Jasmine's voice, but my eyes are still heavy.

I flutter my eyes open, "Sweetheart. We have to be at rehearsal in around two hours." Anthony's curls fell down from his face.

"Oh-Okay!" I roll over to the other side of the bed, but I was really trying to go back to bed.

"Also you have school after that rehearsal and before dinner, and show." Anthony told me the schedule of the day.

"Wonderful. " I rolled my eyes, "Because you know how much I love school, Anthony."

"Sleep for another twenty minutes and then we really do have to get going."

I rolled over in my bed, and tried to go back to bed. When I realise twenty minutes had probably passed, I looked around my room. There was a breakfast plate on my table.

"Pancakes, my favorite!" I said, to myself. Wow, I have the greatest parentals ever.

I threw on some leggings, a hamil t-shirt, and a blue jacket. I pulled up my hair in a high pony tail.

Today is going to be a long day, at least I'm starting it off on a good note. I went to sit in living room, where Anthony was watching SpongeBob SquarePants.

"Really, Anthony? How old are you?" I laughed, sipping on a Capri Sun I grabbed from the fridge.

"Twenty Four." He said, proudly while He continued to watch SpongeBob SquarePants.

Jasmine walked in, "And some reason He is proud of that too."

"I'm like old. Twenty Five." Anthony snarled at us.

"Unless you want to twenty-five and broke, I suppose we should leave. Like now."

"I hear you. I hear you. " I tagged along by grabbing my Hamilton backpack.

"I suppose I like not being broke." Anthony said walking out of our apartment.

"Yeah...Hmmh, It's not like we are preforming for the Grammy's tonight or anything. "


"Gracie." I heard Lin's voice as soon as I walk in the door.

"It's your first Grammy-"

I cut him off, "Wait there are more of these events. This is uh stressful."

I put a sweaty hand on my head, "Don't think, Gracie. Just do."

Lin, that was such a helpless conversation. I mean I wasn't nervous until now. Now I'm terrified! I should have been terrified the whole entire time.

"Gracie. Let's get going!" I heard Carleigh call me over to the stage.

We were preforming, "Alexander Hamilton," It's a pretty well known song. Maybe you have heard of it?

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