Chapter 11

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A few hours later...
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It didn't take them long to pack, they owned a pitifully small amount. Within a half hour, their car was packed with what little they had and they were peeling out of the drive way in their 2000 suburban.

Sarah, Sahara, and Rain were giddy with happiness, though they concealed it, cause their parents seemed crushed, a little angry even. But they figured it was just because of the inconvenience.

They would be able to forget most of their troubles when they get out of the woods and back to civilization.

Most likely they would go to the grandparents house and tell their sad tale of woe while the siblings sat ignored in the corner.

~ but they would never get that far ~

The car squeaked to a stop two hours later, much to the siblings confusion. According to the GPS, they had another five hours before they hit civilization. Why are they stopping?

"Ok kids, hop out and go to the bathroom, I need to check under the hood before night falls, because we won't be stopping." Father speaks up.

"And make sure to go in deep, we don't want to even see you." Mother spoke up, getting out as well.

"Ok," Sahara said.

"Just don't leave us." Sarah joked.

"Of course not darling." Mother laughed, waving her hand, but Rain noticed a slight hesitation.

He wasn't the only one who noticed, cause in that moment, his phone flashed green again. He tightened his grip on his phone, as if to urge it to stay silent, as he exited the car.

Rain followed his sisters into the forest where he checked his phone;


BEN: Something's fishy
Rain: I know, I don't like this. Everything is too....convenient.
BEN: Offender's caused a lot of shit, but he does that wherever he goes.
Rain: So I've read......
BEN: Been researching us Asswipe?
Rain: Hey, I gotta stay in the loop with you guys somehow. It's not like you guys give me daily updates Dickwad.
BEN: That's cause, technically, we're not suppose to have humans as friends.
Rain: So you do consider me a friend.
BEN: No, we're not going to do this.
Rain: Do what???
BEN: Share our feelings in some heart to heart. I'm not doing that girly bullshit.
Rain: Dude, you are SO weird.
BEN: I'm a creepypasta, you expect normal?
Rain: ...No, I guess not. I keep forgetting you're not human.
BEN: Stop forgetting then. If it's any consolation, I do consider you a brother.
Rain: It's kinda hard to when we communicate like this. Yeah I consider you a brother too.
BEN: Well I'm not going to materialize through your phone, Slender's letting me talk to you for two reasons. 1) I can restrain myself from killing, and 2) I made a promised not to show myself to anyone unless I'm about to kill.
Rain: So glowing green phone it is?
BEN: Exactly
Rain: Sweet


Rain jerked up and shoved his phone in his coat pocket. "Yeah?" He called back. Two seconds later, Sarah and Sahara came through the bush, both of them looking somewhat grossed out.

Rain laughed, "You girls okay?" He teased.

Sahara scowled as Sarah reached to put him in a head lock and gave him noogie.

He freed himself with a move Sarah taught him, and at this point, all of them were laughing.

Now all of them learned a long time ago that unless they were called, they weren't to go find their parents. So they waited, they talked, they laughed, and they planned. Two more weeks and the girls would be eighteen and on their way to college, Rain would be coming with them, no questions asked. He would not be left alone with people who didn't love him. They just needed to figure out how.

~ Too bad they wouldn't get there ~

Rain's P.O.V

We already had the first two months of our plan hatched. The twin's good friends; Sofia, Maddie, Jacob, and Brandon would happily let us hang out at their house for two weeks each.

We also have adult friends who would let us work at their place for some cash.

Everything's going to be okay.

I saw a flash as the light hit something shiny, perhaps metal. Sarah and Sahara were too busy talking to each other to notice as I glanced around Sarah's shoulder.

What I saw made my blood run cold.

Father was behind a tree as he cocked a twenty-two revolver in his hand. His eyes were so focused on Sarah, he didn't notice me staring at him in horror. I was frozen with shock.

What was he doing?

Surely he wasn't contemplating......

Deed......the elders letter said something about a deed our parents had to do.

It wasn't praying, I realized, Mother had lied, they wanted to get rig of us.

Father pointed the gun at Sarah, and my body moved before I realized what was happening. "Sarah! Look Out!" I shouted as my body slammed into her's, knocking hers to the ground as a bang echoed through the forest.

We all stood there in shocked horror for a few seconds, I looked over to Sarah quickly, she had a few scratches on her knees and hands from how she caught herself, but otherwise she was fine. I did the same with Sahara only to find her looking back at me with a horrified look filled with so much pain.

I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong...but instead of words coming out of my mouth, blood ran thick and red.


We're finally here people!!!! Hold on to your asses it's about to get bloody!!

Stay creepy my friends.

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