Project Forgetful

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  Cindy and I walk to my place. I didn't really like her room mate. She annoys me too much. I like to work in environments that I feel comfortable in and you can't be comfortable with people you dislike with vigor. I scan my card on my door and let Cindy walk in first. "For someone with an unorganized binder would have a dirtier space." Cindy joked. The two of us giggled a bit before getting to the project. It wasn't really much of a creative thing. We just made a box out of toothpicks, Popsicle sticks and hot glue. I may have been good with art, but it was going to be hard to make it look like this box was falling with just paint. (Considering the size of said box as well...) Cindy smirks,"I'm starving...What about you?"  I thought for a minute, I didn't eat much and even when I did, I didn't eat anything afterwords.

  I smiled and shook my head. I wasn't hungry anyway, I convinced myself. She smiles and walks in the kitchen. "You ate like a cow at lunch and then you barely want to eat anything after seven hours...Classic Tori." Cindy teased,making herself a sandwich. "I know...And then I manage to stay thin... I'm surprised that I'm not the same size as Rick Ross by now". I laugh.  (Then again I do exercise... Too expensive to customize new, plus size school uniforms.)  After a moment of laughing, I decided to head back home. It was getting late and my place is on the other half of the complex. I sprinted home, trying to run off lunch.

  When I get home, there's a note taped to my door. I snatch it off and debate with myself on if I should read it or not. "Oh what the hell..." I grumble to myself and open the note.

  "You looked really nice today and I really wanted to tell you, but you make me nervous. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. By the way, I'm sorry the cops questioned you today. Sincerely, Anonymous." I stared at it for a moment. A familiar lock of hair was taped to the bottom. There was only one person with hair that tacky and blonde. It was Natalie's...

  You'd think because I'm at least human that I'd report it to the cops, but I'm good. If she's missing I'd like to keep that way. I kind of hated Natalie with a passion, so I tossed it in the trash. I open the door and Nathan was sitting on the couch when I opened the door. "How'd you get in here?" I question. He looks back,"You genius, you left the door unlocked." He smirked, looking back at the TV. "Did not. I locked the door on my way out, yesterday to class." I replied. I could have sworn I left the door locked. I shrug my shoulders and brush it off. I was a forgetful person and stuff like that happens all the time. "Where's Grayson?" I asked. "He's taking a nap." Nathan swiftly answered,"I've got popcorn." I cut my eyes at him. "Did you seriously go in my cabinet and eat my last bag of popcorn? Really?" I complained. He chuckled a bit, "But you love me though."

  I stared at him and then sighed," Yea I do, but at least ask." I  sneered. "Can't make any promises."He teased. I drop my backpack and sit next to him. I grabbed a hand full of popcorn and that's about as much as I ate. I was a little too intrigued with  the movie. Horror films are my favorite genre. The Shining is a classic and one of my favorites. You can't tell me that your favorite part is when John breaks through the bathroom door with an ax and shouts "HERE'S JOHNNY!" It's hilarious. Maybe not for the wife but definitely for me. I was laughing so hard when that scene came up that I woke Grayson. "Why are being so loud?" He asked. I stared at him,"Why are you asleep?" I questioned. "I passed out." He added, irritated. I smirk and go back to being annoying and loud. "SO HOW WAS YOUR NAP?!" I questioned. He stared evilly, taking hold of my chin.

"I am tired and I have a headache. Why are you yelling louder than usual?" He complained. I gazed and shook my head free. "Need me to rock you asleep?" I teased. He yawns and then a small snicker escaped,"I won't be needing of that my Darling Kitten." I laughed, as much as I hated people calling me anything related to a felion, it fine for him. Infact I call him Bunny Senpai...(It's not weird.) Nathan looks at us with a sigh,"Get a friggin room you two!" I blushed, me and Grayson were always shipped together. "Oh shush ya Ranting Panda." Grayson snapped back wittedly.

   The three of started to laugh and that's when my phone went off. A person who was unknown texted me to look under bed. Knowing me, I sat my black ass on my couch. I wasn't about to look for shit...Nope. Grayson looked down, "Your bed is too close the floor to the floor for anything huge to be down there." He added, with a sinister smirk. He looked under the bed and came back to me with something stranger than the note. It was a black rose...It was beautiful and in my favorite color. Though it was still strange. "Alright who put it there?" I asked. They both shook their heads. Neither of them would ever lie to me either. I knew it wasn't either of them, so who was it? I started to panic in my head.

  Since the movie had gone off and the popcorn was gone, there was nothing to calm me down. I lean on Nathan and smile at him evilly. "Imma get you back for that little comment you made Panda."

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