Change of Heart (Or Point of View)

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Benjamin's P. O. V.
I wake up with my parents looking over me. What did I do exactly? Things were brighter than usual and I swore I had to be going crazy. Why you ask? My parents died more than a decade ago. Their skin peels as they start crying, begging me to join them. My father shakes me and tells me to snap out of it. I wake up with tears in my eyes. The nightmare was so vivid. More vivid than usual. Looking down at my arms, immediately I try to rip the IV out my arms, but being too weak to do so. The pain starts to get to me. My stomach was killing me. That's when I look down the blanket and see bloody bandages. I desperately tried to remember the days before this moment. What happened to me?

A nurse walks in on me crying my eyes out. "What's the matter?" She questioned.
In a whimper I answered "I don't know."
She pats me back telling that there's nothing to be afraid of. She tells me about how good my health is and that I shouldn't be worried. I look up and she wipes my eyes and with a wide grin she says, The investigation is over." My eyes widen, realizing that there was no way I should have been able to remember May 6th. The most traumatizing day of my life. How could I forget? How? I suck it up and remember, I killed her. . . How was the investigation over? All these things going through my head at the wrong time. . . I decided to keep my mouth shut. The nurse smiles, "Now that we've got that settled, let me change your bandages." I say nothing and sit there as she does what she originally planned to do. I look down for a few seconds and wish I hadn't. . . The stitches were nightmare fuel. She smiles and puts the older bandages in a hazard bag. "See we're all done." She added. I look around and wonder for a moment. I have a miniature heart attack when I see my eyepatch on the table beside me. In that moment I covered my eye with my hand. The nurse looks back at me, "Does your eye burn or something?" She asked.

I realized how stupid I looked and just stopped. Maybe having one purple eye was perfectly normal around these parts. My aunt walks in with a bouquet of flowers and a grin. I immediately look down. "Could you give us a minute, alone?" She asked. The nurse nods and leaves shortly after. My aunt sits at the foot of my bed and I shiver. "Look at me, be happy they didn't charge you with manslaughter." She added, grabbing my chin and making me face her. She was the evil stepmother's reincarnation, just as an aunt. I looked away. I feared looking into her empty eyes. "You ungrateful child. Do you understand how many judges and investigators I had to pay off to make sure you didn't make the headlines. I wasn't going to let you make me look bad because of YOUR negligent decisions." She informed, shaking me slightly.

"I didn't ask for you to do that and you don't understand what I was put through." I added. "You dare speak to me like that?" She questioned. I close my eyes, thinking about the previously said words. "I-I didn't mean it like that. . ." I riposte. She scoffs and loses grasp on my chin. "Just like your mother. You don't think before you speak. Considering that, you're more than likely going to end up like her." She sighed. I glared at her when she looked away. "Not that I am complaining [even though I kind of am], why are you here?" I question. She looks back at me with fury, "Your cousins were worried about you. . . And by worried, they just wanted to know if they can take your room." She answered. I say nothing, and look back at the blankets. She grabs a vase out of her purse and fills it with water from the sink across the room and places the flowers inside. "Anyway, I'm only here to make sure you're alive; I couldn't careless if you were okay. And you should definitely wash that hideous pink out of your hair. The white is outgrowing it." She added, flipping her hair long blonde hair and walking out. Lay down and stare at the ceiling.

I let out a sigh and at that moment, I thought about Victoria. I wondered if she was okay. I started to panic, but thought for a split second; she's a trooper, she's okay. Grayson walks in looking well and fine. "Hey blondie how do you feel?" He asked. I close my eyes before he can look at my eyes. "I-I-I'm fine. . ." I reply. He chuckles a bit, "If you were fine I don't think you'd be here." I snicker in response, "I guess not." An instant of silence passes by before he sits at the edge of my bed. "Why are your eyes closed? Does your head hurt or something?" He questioned. I keep my eyes closed and answer, "They are closed because I don't have my eyepatch on." I can already feel the judgement. "I won't judge you, we had a friend who lost an eye. He pops his glass eye out all the time, but sadly he transferred schools." He added. I do my best attempt of making a concerned face. "For what reason d-did you tell me th-this information?" I ask. "I was trying to tell you that, in a weird way, I won't judge you. It's just an eye." He answered, "Besides, if you don't show me, I'm gonna see for myself."

That forces my eyes to open, but I look away. "Just, look in my direction. You don't have to look directly at me. I just want to know what you've been hiding from us for these past few months." He replied. I take a deep breath and try to look toward him. His face lit up with a wide toothy smile. "I would have never guessed that you had purple eye. . .Of all beautiful things. Why would you hide something so unique?" He questioned. I blushed a little, "People have two of the same color and I don't. I was teased a lot for it and eventually my paren-. . ." I paused for a minute or two. Grayson waves his hands in front of my face, "Your parents what?" He looked concerned with my random discontinuation. "My parents bought me an eyepatch and I transferred schools in third grade." I answer. "Oh. . .Well no one's going to tease you anymore. That purple makes you look so cute. I think you should keep the eyepatch and throw it in the ocean." He smiled. I smiled, but I probably looked like a tomato with a white root. "Th-tha-thank you." I stutter.

With a wink he smirks, "No problem. I'm just being honest. . ." His face gets a little serious. "I'm just glad that you're okay." He smiled hugging me. For the first time I felt like I was accepted by someone other than my parents and Tori. I sat there dumbfounded and at a loss for words. I tear streams down my cheek, "Thank you." He lets me go and I look down. "For what?" He questioned. I blushed, "Nothing. . . Nothing." He placed his hand on my shoulder and I hear a laugh. "What's so funny?" I questioned, looking up at him. "Nothing. . .Nothing." He snickered. "No fair." I whine. He playfully punches my shoulder and laughs, "That's what you get."

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