Silent Confession

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   Ever since the incident, Benjamin has been. . . Strange. Then again we all have different ways of dealing with grief and issues. I haven't heard him speak one word since he found out we were transferred school. We ended up in North East Academy. Which is where the school placed the survivors who didn't leave the district. Grayson tried to keep a optimistic attitude, but we could all tell he was seriously suffering. I didn't know how to deal with this. All my friends except for two are gone. They're never coming back and there's nothing I can do. "They must be the kids from the other school." Some teens mumbled. "The one with the white hair killed a chick and got off with plead of insanity." Another mumbled. I wanted badly to say something to her, but I just couldn't bring it out of me. Ben just kept looking down and Grayson on the other hand, turned the other cheek. I could tell he wanted the same thing I did. As we took a seat in our first hour class Mr. Char passed back our test. "I would like to see that score come up." He informed. A red D+ crowded the top of my paper. I didn't know how this happened considering that I studied my brains out for this test. "You're at the top of the class, stay that way." He winked, as he placed Benjamin's test face down on the table. He only does that if your grade is great. Grayson got a B and knowing Benjamin, he probably got an A, plus extra credit.
When the bell rang, he rose from his seat and stood over me like a statue. His cold blue eye, his white hair, his innocence was completely gone. I'd lost mine a long time ago, so I knew the look. It's burned in my memory. As he we walked to lunch, some girls came up to us. And by us, I mean Benjamin. "Hey, I got a really bad grade on the physics test, I have to do a retake and I wanted to know if you'd tutor me." One smiled. "Could you tutor me too?" Another questioned. He looked at them and it must have been something in his eyes that made them flee. Grayson tried to get him to speak,"What did you do?" No response. When we sat at the lunch table, he ate nothing. He just sat there looking out the window. It was as if was mentally gone.
  That all changed when a guy tripped me. "Oops! Hehe I didn't mean to." He added. I ignored it and through the paper plate away. Although Benjamin must have caught something I didn't. Because all I noticed was Benjamin putting the guy's head on the tile. "YOU PERVERT! DON'T YOU EVER DO SOMETHING SO VILE TO HER AGAIN OR I'LL BE THE LAST THING YOU SEE!" He yelled. "Calm down Benjamin, it's fine you should take your foot off his head." I say. "Yea! You should listen to your little girlfriend! Don't want another murder on you belt." The idiot taunted. This triggered Benjamin. He took his foot off his head, but proceeded to pick him up by the neck. "Don't provoke me like that. You don't know what I'm going through and when I might snap." Benjamin said calmly, dropping him. Grayson sat there eating his lunch acting as if he wasn't paying attention. Benjamin grabs his bag and was on his way out. I ran after him and grabbed his arm. "Hey don't listen to them." He jerked away and left me. I wanted to follow him, but the other side of me said to leave him be and so I did. I didn't see him until the period after next. Art class. It was strange considering that he I don't know DOESN'T HAVE THIS CLASS. He spots me from across the room and sits at the table with me without saying a word.
  "Could you explain the assignment to him?" Mister Sherwood questioned. "I don't mind." I answered. Benjamin looked up at me as I start to inform him. "So we're doing a Christmas themed work of art. The colors Red, Green, and White need to be included. You may do anything you can think, it just has to be in that color scheme. Oh and you have to make the art with only pencils and oil paint." I answered. He nodded, but it seems like he disregarded what I said. He pulled out a drawing book and started to sketch. I smiled, and at the same time wondered where the old Benjamin went and when he was coming back. It's hard to start a conversation when you know the person isn't going to speak back. I needed answers though. "What did the counselor say about the incident at lunch?" I questioned. No reply. "What did the guy do that triggered you like that?" I questioned. "He looked up your skirt when he tripped you." He answered, rather quietly. "Why don't you talk to us anymore?" I questioned.
  He looked up at me, once again. His eye cold and his face emotionless; for he was going back into silence. Then it dawned on me. He went home for two days. He moved to this school with Grayson and me, but at the hospital he was all smiley. Now he isn't. I leaned over the table, "What did your aunt do to you over your small break?" I asked.
   "Look, I'll answer all your questions after school. How persistent do you have to be?" He questioned. "Oh, my bad sorry." He answered. I smirked and realized after school will start in about 15 minutes or less. I stared at the clock, counting down the minutes. As the bell rang without warning, Benjamin lifted me. He carried me bridal style and walked down the hall. All I did was blush and cover my face. We walked to a blind spot of cameras and people. He then blushes and looks down. "I-I think I'm falling for Grayson and I don't know what to do! I seriously don't want to talk, I'm afraid of saying something stupid. And and I just I don't know what do." He answered. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't expecting that. "And my aunt she just she ridiculed me. I don't really care about that, but who cares about that. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO AND I'M FREAKING OUT!" He blushed. It was so adorable. I started to put the puzzle pieces together. He barely stuttered around me alone, but he stuttered the most near Grayson. Things went off in my head as well. This whole time I thought the love notes came from Cindy and him. . .if he didn't write the other. . . Who did? I put that aside, "I've got a plan, just listen to me." I grinned, dropping my backpack.

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