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Benjamin's P.O.V.
  The city was so warm and so were the people. Grayson was a sweet guy and very warm too. I thought about this as I laid in his bed staring at the ceiling. He rolls over and hugs me. "Good morning." He smiled. "Afternoon, your clock says 1:32pm." I chuckled. "Morning for me." He laughs, sitting up. I stand and stretch. "I've got things planned for today, so let's get ready." He smiled. I started to fiddle with my fingers nervously. "Oh well about that." I added. "What is it?" He questioned. "I forgot that around here, your Christmas is relatively warm and I was packing so fast that I didn't think about it. I packed sweaters and corduroy jeans." I answered, looking down. I felt kind of stupid. "Then you can wear my clothes or we can go shopping. It's not that big of a deal." He added. I nodded and smiled,"I guess I'll borrow some clothes for now. If you don't mind I would like to purchase some clothes later today." I added. "I don't mind. I actually planned to take you shopping later." He grinned, standing and walking into the restroom. As he showered, (the curtains closed) I washed my face and brushed my teeth, walking back into the bedroom. I admired how large the bed was and the size of his room. His closet was large and it was a walk in.

  He walks out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe, but I guess it was my own fault. He walked in on me right in the middle of changing shirts and I'm pretty sure that at that moment Gray and I stared each other for second. I just finished putting on his shirt. "You know, you look better than me in that TØP shirt." He smiled. In my head I was probably blushing. "Thank you, I really like Twenty One Pilots." I added, putting on a pair of my pants. "What size do you wear?" Grayson asks. "32/32. . ." I said awkwardly. "Same. You should probably not wear corduroy unless you want a rash." He informed, walking into his closet. I put black ones back in the suitcase and he hands me a pair of dark denim jeans. "Thank you." I beamed, quickly putting on the pants before he could come back out of the closet. [Hehe come out of the closet. . . Sorry, I'll stop] He comes back out wearing a black Tokyo Ghoul t-shirt, gray jeans and white converse. I gazed at him. We watched and listened to so many of the same things that I just wondered if we were the same person just different internationally. He grabs the red converse from beside his door and hands them to me. "Jacqueline cleaned them last night." He informed. "You gave them to her while I was asleep didn't you?" I ask. "I did a lot more than that while you were sleep." He added licking his lips. I freaked out for a second and you could see the panic on my face as I put my shoes on. "Things like what?" I questioned. "Oh relax, just stuff like reservations for our date, and I only took a few pictures. You're kind of adorable." He added. As I stood, I blushed. "Th-thank you." I blushed. He walks toward me, kissing my cheek and then parting my hair differently. He removes my eye patch. "You have beautiful eyes. You should show that off." He smiles. "Thank you. Well I guess I'll give it a try. Do you have bobby pins?" I questioned. He goes into his bathroom and grabs a small plastic bag of bobby pins and hands them to me. I walk in there and start to pin my hair out of my face.

"So friggin cute." Grayson mumbled. I acted as I couldn't hear him, but I smiled. I looked to him as a strand of hair fell. "Gorgeous." He beamed. "Thank you." I smiled, wrapping my arms around him. I kiss his cheek and he kisses my lips softly. No words were spoken as he spun me around. His eyes put me in bliss. I was ecstatic and I don't think this could get any better. "Ready to leave?" He asked. "Yessiree." I replied gladly. He lifts me and walks down the stairs, the maids open the door and lock up behind us.
  "Vivienne Westwood?" He questions. "I don't think I've been there before, Uhm sure." I replied nervously. He smirks and walks into a store, "Alright then." As soon as we stepped in, a stores clerk offered to help us. Immediately Grayson declined and began to look around. "Pick up anything you want, I'll buy it." He smiles. "No, I've got my own money and expensive taste." I smirked, as my eyes directed themselves to a pair of suede ankle boots. "Those are nice." Grayson added. I nod and wall around the shop more. I acted as if this was something I usually do. Grabbing a pair of ripped jeans, a black beanie, a military green varsity jacket, a black and white thin striped shirt and a lot of other things. Grayson just grabbed and bought lots of shoes. I wasn't surprised because his closet is full of them, but if that wasn't a "Don't ask, Don't tell" sign. . .

  Anyway, my clothes alone wrung up to about $3,000 American dollars. We proudly carried out bags to a restaurant where we had lunch. We set our things next to us in the booth. "Watching you shop for the first time, it was so adorable." He smirked, as the waiter came by. "What can I get you?" He questions. "A root beer for him would nice, and a coke for me." He ordered. I smiled warmly, causing my face to blush a bit.

    He remembered what I usually drink and I don't know why I felt so special, but I did. "Is that all?" He asks. "For now. . . Uhm yes." Grayson replied. The waiter leaves and the two of us are staring eye to eye. "You look impressed." Grayson grinned. "I'm just not used to anyone remembering the small things." I answered, as he licked his lips. The time we had enjoying ourselves was cut short when Victoria, or someone we thought was Victoria called me. "Hello?" I said, slowly standing and walking outside with Grayson following. "This is Liam, you're listed in her phone as ICE- In Case of Emergency- and I'd like to know how soon you can come to London. Victoria is in condition and there's no leads to what happened. They just know that Kerri got her to the hospital." He answered. "S-sir we'll try to get there soon." I replied.

   I felt the hot tears stream down my face,"We'll start packing." Grayson nudged me before pulling me close. "Look I'll pay for the drinks and talk to my parents alright." Grayson assured. I nodded, sliding down the glass window. We thought we were in the clear but we're not. I tried to hold in the tears and I couldn't. I couldn't do it. At the perfect moment August calls. I contemplate picking the thing up. Knowing he'll immediately know that I'm crying and obviously not where I'm supposed to be. I pick up my phone and try my best not to sound like my insides are being wrenched. "What is it?" I asked. "Turn to your left." He says subtly. I turn and there he is, suitcase and phone in hand. I could tell he hadn't washed or straightened his hair in a while.

  He looked like he had a puff of coils coming out of his hat. "You left to go somewhere else to cry." He added. As he walked over to sit next to me, Grayson exited the restaurant. "What's going on here?" He asked. "I'm Augustine, Benjamin's cousin. You are?" August answered, standing. "I'm Grayson, hi-.""His Boyfriend?" August interrupted. "How'd you know?" He asked. "You two just spent the night in the same place, went shopping and came here. Not many couples might find those kind of things fun, but considering that Ben is pan, it makes sense to me." August answers. I stand and start to walk, "Gray, lead us back home." He nods and August follows. "Why are you guys packing now?" August asked. "Our friend Victoria is really hurt and we need to get on a flight to London, as soon as possible." I answered.

   "Victoria. . ." Augustine mumbled. That name was familiar to him like the tracking device in my phone. I'll ask him about that later. Walking the entire way, we head into Grayson's room, leaving August to wait in the living room. He was sixteen and he's not that bad of a kid so it's not like he'd ruin anything. The two of us come back down under half an hour with a mix of new and old clothes. "The next Flight to London would be around nine. So if we wait a little under six hours we'll be on hour way." August assured. Grayson's face told me he wasn't having it. "We're taking the jet. I texted my dad, he's fine with it. We just have to drive to it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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