The Break Up

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"Jack it really means a lot that your here with me instead of going to that party." Elsa said as she looked at her best friend, although the she secretly wished they could be more she only dated

Hans because well.....Uhm......she actually doesn't know why she dated him in the first place. "Don't worry about it Snowflake, I will always be here when you need me," Jack said sincerely kissing Elsa's forehead.

"I just can't believe he broke up with you." Jack said glaring at absolutely no one. Elsa look around nervously, and nodded. "Wait, your not telling me something, what really happened." Jack asked while raising his brow breaking apart the hug they where in. "Well...he didn't actually breakup with me I broke up with.." Elsa was interrupted by jacks comments

"Well that's great."
"He also may, have cheated on me with another girl, and I caught him smooching with someone else." Elsa said quickly in one breath she sighed "Jack took it better than I thought."

"He what!!"Jack said getting up going back in fort in Elsa's room. "Wait! Until I get my hands in him!" Jack yelled fixing to make his way to the door. "No Jack it's fine!"  Jack sighed and calmed down and sat done beside Elsa once agian. "F**k him, but don't f**k him! F**k me!" Jack said Elsa gasped and raised her brow. "Ugh... I mean" Jack sighed "Elsa I need to tell you something, I like really really love you." Jack said looking down at the ground afraid of Elsa responds.


Elsa's cold hand made contact with Jack's face. He sighed for he knew something like this could happen. "That was for taking to long to tell me, this is for everything else." Elsa said as she pulled his hoodie collar and kissed him. They soon broke apart. "It was worth the wait." Elsa said as she pulled him once more into a kiss.

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