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"Today's the day I'm gonna do it, I'm finally gonna confess my feelings for Jack" Elsa told her friends, "Well, then how's your chance." Punzie said while motioning her head towards Jack who was goodbye to his friend Hiccup. Elsa stared at Jack who was looking at her and waved
"Actually on second thought-" to late Anna had already pushed towards Jack, causing her to trip and fall, luckily was able to catch her before she fell.
" You really shouldn't go out and about falling like that snowflake next time I might not my not be able to catch you."
Jack said softly causing Elsa to let out a small giggle.
It's now or never Elsa thought, she took in a deep breath,
"Jack I actually wanted to tell you, something" Elsa continued, "I like you as in like, like you." Elsa whispered softly only loud enough for both of them to hear. Jack's smirk, turned into a soft smile,

"Elsa I'm flattered really but it's just i can't accept your feelings right now."

Elsa smiled turned into a frown she was almost sure he liked her back they always flirt together,' i guess he was just playing games after all he is prankster' Elsa thought she nodded her head and left hopefully she wouldn't be the talk of the school.
She felt the tears threatening to fall down any moment, she quickly made her way to a place were she didn't have to pretend to be the perfect Elsa Delle everyone expect her to be a place were she could be herself.


Jack looked at Elsa as she disappear he felt quilt but he couldn't return his feelings for her even if he did actually like her. He knew she wouldn't like the real him. He made his way towards where Elsa was headed he knew it well as he was a part of the group however he never showed up when she did however he did watch. He basically spent his free time stalking Elsa.
I do not!
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Jack followed into the group, "JF! Glad you showed up today!" Called his Flynn, "Hey SQ! This is the famous JF! I've told you about!" Sq? Who is sq? Please whoever it is don't let it be Elsa. Jack thought to himself
"So this is the famous JF? Nice to finally meet you" SQ said, patting his shoulder, Jack turned around to face Elsa who had wide eyes and rolled her eyes, while walking away. Jack was shocked to see Elsa with a crops top and sweat pants, he blushed tomato red.

He was lucky Elsa couldn't call him. She sat down at a bench where a dude with Red hair, put his arm around her jealous struck through Jack.
Elsa shook his arm away and they had a conversation Jack couldn't make out, suddenly Elsa did a couple of back hand springs and then smirked leaving the red hair guy shocked.

Jack smiled as he saw her, he made his way towards her. "JF do you need anything?" An annoyed Elsa asked "Els-SQ hear me out I was afraid you wouldn't like the real me, the me who- " Jack was cut of by Elsa's lips crashing into his, "If I told you I liked you it was cause I already knew" Elsa whispered as she pulled apart. Jack smiled "See you later SQ!" Jack called out. Elsa smiled before nodding.

A/N: I was originally gonna make this two parts but I think I'll end it there for now. Until the next update.

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