10 things I hate (tag thing)

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Before I start this off the picture up there is of Armin Arlert from Attack on Titan. Isn't he such a cutie!
Now let's get this started!

1. The sound of people chewing (most of the time it really bothers me is when I'm not eating)
2. Roller coasters...
           Don't ask why...
                    I just...
Hate them
3. People touching me non-stop (I don't mind someone hugging me or something once and awhile but nonstop is really annoying)

4. Cartoons (I will be an otaku forever!!!!!!! "SIE SIND DAS ESSEN UND WIR SIND DIE JÄGER!")
5. Dora the explorer...
Just don't ask...
6. Dark chocolate (I am sorry all you dark chocolate fans)

7. Toby x Clockwork... I just hate them shipped together (same with Ed x winry i hate them shipped together too)

8. Eren x Mikasa (I mean I am totally justified with this. Mikasa is Eren's adopted sister so that is just gross)

8 + 1/2. Eren x Levi (I mean this is just nasty. 1. they're both guys 2. Levi is like 30 or something and Eren is like 16)

9. People invading my privacy (that one is pretty self explanatory)

10. People making fun of my friends (again self explanitory)
I mean I just want to beat the crud out of them when they do that. I mean seriously dude stop.

Well that brings us to the end of this taggy thingy.

Thank you eebeevers , for tagging me this was actually kinda fun.

So the people I am tagging to do this are:

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