2 - "That's why you're my best friend!"

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"Well, that went great," Liam says sarcastic as we walk back to the tower. Thank God Harry stayed behind to catch up with Ava who finally joined us by the time I had to go back for the last part of my shift. 

Although Liam can go home or could have stayed with them, I'm glad he's keeping me company for now.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" He wonders as we walk in the moonlight. "Being yourself?"

"Oh, stop it." I walk in on him on purpose and push him out of the way a bit. "It was hard for me."

"Yeah, I noticed," he says, his voice a bit softer.

"Just imagine if it were Rosie."

"I wouldn't be affected." He shrugs his shoulders and part of me believes that it's true because that's easy to say now. Another larger part of me knows that a big, fat lie. Although Rosie hasn't been a part of his life for much longer than Harry has been gone in mine. And yes, she's a drug addict going in and out of jail, I know it would affect him if we'd suddenly go to dinner with her. 

There's nothing worse than sitting in front of your ex who seems to have his life together. Seeing Harry makes me realize that not much has changed in my life while he seemed to have grown- except for his hair. 

"You say that now, and believe me I thought the same until I actually saw him. I don't know what to feel or do."

"So you just ignore him?"

"Yes, seems reasonable. He left to be with his stupid family, give me one good reason why I should be nice to him?"

"Because you love each other," he says and I stop walking. 

"Fuck off," I hiss, suddenly fuming. "If he ever loved me, he wouldn't have left! This isn't about love. If anything I hate him!"

"You don't hate him," Liam says, still calm of course. "Or you really wouldn't care."

"Do you love me Liam?" I ask and his features change. 

"You know I do, you're my best friend."

"And would you leave exactly a year after my father's death? Something you went through together?"

"I'm still here aren't I?" He sighs, knowing where I'm going. 

"Because you love me. He didn't. Not really."

"But you always wanted answers that you couldn't get then. He's here now so why not talk to him as the adults you are?"

"Because seeing him made me realize I'm anything but an adult. Or I would have been able to act civilized."

This makes Liam laugh as I kept quiet for most of the dinner. Even when Harry directed himself to me and asked me questions I pretended to not hear him. He clearly is the bigger person in this situation and I'm happy to let him play that part. I'm not good at it.

"True, but I still think you should take the opportunity to just talk to him. So, I scheduled him with you for one early shift. Not much has changed but he still has to-

"Wait, what?!" I place my hands on both of his shoulders. I laugh a bit weird to check if I heard him right. "I'm working with him?" 

"He was okay with it," Liam explains. "He really didn't seem to mind and you know I'm going away for a couple of days with-

"Yeah, bla bla bla. You know you put me in an impossible situation. Because if I decline, and I really want to, he'll know that I still care. Fuck you, Liam."

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