15 - "Yes, leave. You know, that thing you are very good at."

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"Well, if you put it like that than I don't know where to start. Sometimes I wonder if too much time has past to ever catch up again," Harry says after I ask him to tell me all.

"Maybe, but we should just find out," I tell him although I have felt the same since he's back. 

"So, give me a lead then. Ask me something you want to know but are afraid to ask."

"Did you work in the tattoo shop at all?" I ask blunt. It was his reason to leave. Persue his dreams and I told myself that he deserved it considering he was always held back by his family. Then he ends up with them anyway.

"For a while, yes, but I wasn't happy tattooing at all. The first few weeks were a blur as I stayed with the guy who offered me the job in the first place. Pascal is his name. There was a party or gathering at his place almost every night so I had a lot of distraction. After two months I found my own flat and the partying died down a bit. Then one night after, I think I worked there for over two years already, I finished a sick back piece. I made pictures from it off every angle and when I came home I realized I did it to show it to you. I should have come back then but instead I went to find my father. Since I figured my life couldn't get any shitier, I accepted his job offer. I needed something new far away from you, to get over you. You changing your number the moment I left and instructing your friends to keep quiet made me think you were over me too."

Well, the reason why I changed my number is different than he thinks. I know I should tell him that even if he was able to call me or send the pictures, he wouldn't have wanted too if he knew the truth. I realize that me keeping that secret from him prevented him from truly forgetting about me. If he'd know, he would have had no trouble moving on and maybe even stayed at his job. 

"You could have gone and take numerous other jobs. Why with him? I thought out of everyone you hated him the most. You never spoke about your father. It was always your mother."

"My father and I never really had a bond. He was always neutral about my fights with my mother, but that also meant that he never stood up for me or asked me to stay. When I left for Palas, that was it. He never reached out once. I don't think he had it in him to pick up the phone and simply ask me how I was. He just wasn't like that. All he was interested in was other women and money. I don't think we even meant something to him, but I wished I had a bond with him, a connection. Sure he wouldn't turn down his son in need for a job. At least I thought."

"I saw from the headlines that he didn't," I say, still hugging my legs close.

"It wasn't him that offered me the position. Well it was him, but not after my mother begged him. She saw that I needed something. Out of all the people in the world, she stood up for me and since my mother is the only person in the world that has some control over him, he took me back in the company with some meaningless position. Then the PR-team got word off it and thought that I was actually a great way to modernize the company. Especially since my sisters marriage turned out to be one big scandal."

"Why's that?"

"You never read anything about my family did you?" Harry wonders and I simply look to the coffee table.

"I blocked everything Styles, Stylco or called Harry on the internet. It is also why it took me months to find out there was a new Harry Potter movie and stuff." This makes him laugh, dimples on full display, but he gets back to serious when I add, "it was simply too hard to see you. It is when my panic attacks came back. I saw your face on a magazine and freaked out. Thomas broke up with me because of it."

"Because of me?"

"Because for him it was prove that I never really moved on while he left everything behind in England. He returned that same day."

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