3 - "I love you."

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"Thomas," I yell in his ear. During my absence they really turned up the music. "If anyone asks, I was with you the whole time. Okay?"

"Why?" He snaps, turning himself completely to me. His blonde hair almost falls in front of his eyes that are intoxicated to the max. "I didn't see you until now."

"I was with you," I repeat again, and something seems to dawn on him. 

"Great," he says, rolling his eyes. "You do know that I have a girlfriend?"

"I don't mean like that! I mean, as in drinking for like 30 minutes. Is that so bad with me?" I ask, and he rolls his eyes. 

For the last weeks he hasn't really talked to me. Probably because he came back to Palas, not expecting to find me lip locked with Zayn. Besides Liam, he is the only one to know of it, although we haven't talked about it once. 

"Depends," he dryly responds and I shake my head. I should be happy that he's still talking and helping me. 

"We had fun now I'm going back."

"Of course you are. Imagine spending more than one minute with me," he says, and there is a twinkle in his eye that I like seeing. 

"Let's not push our luck and get your girlfriend jealous."

"Right," he says suddenly serious and I kiss him on his cheek, and as I do, I can't help but look his girlfriend directly in the eye. 

Her name is Sandra and she works at Palas Hotel. I don't like her, but I don't like many people and especially have a bad history with gorgeous blonde girls. It doesn't really help that from the moment she met me, she has ignored me to the point I sometimes forget she exists. I only notice her when she's laughing at me and then I want to forget about her again. 

"Bye San," I yell and I wave to her because I want to be nice, even if it is pretend. She doesn't say anything back of course and keeps holding her cocktail in one hand and her clutch in the other. I don't even know what her voice sounds like when she's not laughing.

When I return back to Liam I'm glad to see it's just the two of them. Ava must still be outside which means that my plan with Zayn worked. 

"I'm back," I say as if they don't notice it already. I tuck at my dress again to make sure it is in place for the hundredth time. 

Zayn made me twirl around and reassured me that everything looked fine. He didn't kiss me on the cheek or gave me a hug after. He only clapped my ass a bit and said it looked good before he left. He's always different after the sex, not that I mind, but I like him better before. There's even moments where we're able to laugh at something. Or when we sit in the dark alley and smoke together that he leans close against me. I know he cares for me and I do for him too, but the sex is another part of us that's separate. 

"So how was Thomas?" Liam wonders and I'm glad they're standing near the entrance where the music isn't so loud. 

"Good, but Sandra was a brat of course."

"I really don't get what he sees in her," Liam says and he scrunches his nose when he thinks of her. I'm glad that Liam and I have a similar taste in people. 

"Well, you didn't get what he saw in me either."

"I'd choose you over Sandra though," Liam says in my defence and I wink to him. 

"So, who is this Thomas and Sandra?" Harry asks and just like with Sandra, I almost forget that he's here and can hear my banter with Liam. 

"Thomas is her ex and Sandra is his new girlfriend," Liam explains as if he knows that I don't really want tell Harry because I don't want to know what his status has been. 

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