10 - "It wasn't that lovely alone."

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It's precisely three o'clock and I wish I was present to watch the moment where Thomas and Harry are officially co-workers. Unfortunately I'm still outside watching a rather peaceful beach and sea. I only had to jump of the buggy once and then it was a false alarm. To be honest I could use a nap and I wonder if people would notice if I slowly close my eyes.

Just as I am about to do so, I feel Harry coming closer. I thought I lost my six sense when it came to him since I didn't notice him yesterday, but maybe that only counts when I'm intoxicated. I recognize his footsteps in the sand. They still sound the same as when he walked up here all happy and bubbly because he was offered a job. I still wonder if he ever even worked there.

"Hey," Harry announces his presence and I turn my head. 


"I'm going back home," he says. 

"Well, this is the wrong way then."

"Yeah, I wanted to stop by you first to apologize."

I turn my head back to the sea. A part of me wants to be a child and protest. Throw something maybe because I didn't get to do it the day he left. But I am going to be the bigger person. 

"We're okay. You know where the key is in case you want to take a nap in a freezer."

"I called some handyman. He's coming tomorrow."

"Well, good luck with that. At least let Liam pay the bill."

"No, he's letting me stay there. It's the least thing I can do."

"Still haven't found anything? There might be something free in the flat," I tell him. I can't see his face but I wonder what his reaction is so I get out of the buggy to continue our conversation. "I can ask Ava if you want."

"I'm fine with Liam for now," he answers and I think he might just like some company. 

"Well, I wonder how you keep up with him. I lived with him but was so happy when his apartment came free," I tell him and I realize I'm telling him something he might not know. Liam could have told him but by the look on his face this is news to him.

"When did you live with him?" Harry wonders and I am surprised that there isn't puke rising when I answer him.

"Uhm, I moved out of our place the moment you left. Found the house I'm living in now, and Liam moved in with me." I let out the part that the only reason that Liam moved in with me is that he was worried I'd hurt myself. That's how broken down I was, and how much I needed to get away from the house Harry and I shared.

"How long did you two survive together?"

"Only a month, and we had a fight everyday. Let's just say that Liam isn't the type to make you breakfast or do anything at all. So, I wish you good luck," I smile and he returns it.

"I didn't realize you moved out that quick," Harry says and my smile falters. I try to keep it up but the memories are too sad. "You loved that place."

"It wasn't that lovely alone," I tell him, and he gives me a sympathetic smile. 

"I see. Just like when your father died and you couldn't be in your flat in London."

"Something like that, yeah. I tend to hate a place after the person I lived in with it leaves."

"It's okay," he says. "I might have done the same."

 "So, go home and take a nap Harry. It's been a long day."

"I am. Thank you, Alex. And I'm sorry for this morning. I was just a bit cranky about it all."

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