20 - "You are the one for me."

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"But how do you know?" Tessa, Sage's best friend asks. 

It's a question that has been on my mind for the past days as well. Ever since Harry accepted his new house and is busy moving out of his old place, which honestly doesn't seem like too much work, he's only asked me to come by late at night. I know he likes to sleep next to me and so do I, but it is starting to freak me out. He hasn't tried to kiss me again, but his intentions are clear. With everything he does he wants my approval.

"You just feel it," Sage answers, stirring her cocktail. "I've been in love before as you all know," we both nod at that since we do know, "but with Nick it was different. I'm wildly in love with him but there's also something calm about it. When I look at him I just know. I can't picture my life with anyone else."

"Awh," Tessa sighs and leans her head in her hands. "Maybe we can use your hen party tonight to find me a man like that."

"We will. Since I can't manhunt no longer, and you both know that's my favorite thing to do, I'll have to do it for you guys!" She claps her hands like an eager child at the prospect of that. "Although... are you looking for a guy, Lex?"

She has been interrogating me ever since I told her I spend the night with him. There's just not much to tell since Harry and I have barely seen each other since I ate a cupcake with her and I still don't know what our status is. We hold hands and sleep whatever that means.

"No," I say sounding unsure. "Am I?"

"How am I supposed to know? Just tell Tess about Harry while I get our refills." 

Tessa, being Sage's friend, knows me well enough but over the past years while I was in Palas we haven't been in touch. She must know about Harry because when I tell her she says "Oh, your boyfriend?" so Sage much have told her something about me. But three refills later I find myself explaining every little detail about my relationship with Harry, having them both at the edge of their seats. 

"I think you just need to broaden your horizon," Tessa says as a conclusion. "If he was interested he'd try something in bed. He's a guy after all and judging from your stories one with a large libido. Just go men hunting tonight."

"No, she needs to try things with Harry again. If he's willing to forgive her for kissing Liam and not telling than you should give him a chance. And he's trying or he wouldn't keep in touch, certainly not sleep next to you. I think you should just give him a call."

"Give him a call, yeah that will help," I say dryly. "Maybe Tess has a point. I've always been a hit in London bar's haven't I, niece?"

"Certainly, but Harry is your jackpot. No matter how many other scores you make tonight."

"Next round is on me," I say, trying to find my balance as I push away my chair. I forgotten how strong they make the booze in here not to mention that I barely drank alcohol for the last months. It's not helping me. 

I do make it to the bar where luckily a man works that never knew me from before. I used to come to this exact pub with Sage since we were child's. Our fathers would brings us and watch whatever sports was on the television. Everyone knew us back then as we grew up to be teens, but nowadays we're almost anonymous here as time changed the pub. My father would have hated it as they offer karaoke nights these days. For the first time I think it is good he died. The world changed too much for him to keep up, it wouldn't have made him happy. 

"Three shots of tequila, a beer and two sex on the beach."

"Coming right up," the bartender says. 

I sit down on the stool to wait as he makes our drinks and check my phone. It's empty and the urge to just drunk text Harry is big. Even if I say something stupid I can just say it was Sage. He knows her well enough, but nothing happens and instead I bring back the drinks to our table. 

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