8 - "All you had to do was fucking stay and I wouldn't have."

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His hands feel familiar and like home. They're everywhere leaving marks as they search for a new place. I wonder if it feels like this for him as well. The better it starts to feel, the harder I start to make it for him. He pulls me on the board and grabs my legs to pull me to a point where he can keep his balance. I notice that he started softly at my ankles, but is now almost reaching my waist and I don't mind it. 

Saving someone isn't supposed to be sexuel, but I'm starting to feel it is for us. By the tenth time he's sounding tired and I can imagine that grabbing my either protesting or paralysed body from the water is taking its toll.

"Do you need a break?" I ask when he lays me down correctly on the board. 

"I could use one, yes."

He directs the board back to the shore and I can only hope that not much has happened there. Considering the beach is still almost empty, I don't think people will mind that we had some practice. Harry's a natural though, sadly enough I don't think he'll need more practise. 

We reach the shore and immediately I see Liam, leaning against the outside of the tower and it hits me that I forgot that he would come at nine to say goodbye.

"Oh shit," I mumble, getting out of the water. "I forgot that Liam was coming over. He's flying in an hour."

Liam's eyes judge me and I feel like he can read my mind and all the inappropriate things I just thought about Harry. When we reach him, I am sure.

"I thought we agreed to nine?" He asks and I nod, feeling caught.

"Harry needed to practice. You forgot to mention that so I didn't think it would take us so long."

"Well, I forget things sometimes. Just like you," Liam snarls. Time is important to him and I am making him wait for his flight back. 

"I'm sorry," I tell him, walking past him to get in the tower. "I'm here now. So, are you all ready to go?"

"Yeah." He keeps still in the doorway, scratching the back of his neck and blocking Harry from entering the tower too. "I really don't want to go."

"Then don't," I sigh, making myself comfortable on top of the desk. "Seriously, we've had this conversation over and over again. If you really don't want to then don't do it."

"Why are you so against it?" Harry asks and Liam takes a breath but I can tell he's not exhaling. He's boiling it up and I know the exact same feeling. 

I had it earlier when everything came back to me and anger washed over me just thinking about Harry and the way he left. His response was a cup of coffee and a silence that was much needed. For the first time in years, without doing much, Harry got me calm again. He's doing the exact opposite to Liam. 

"He's not fond of traveling," I tell Harry and like always, few words seem to be enough for him to understand. 

"Have you tried like the pills and stuff?" He wonders and Liam nods. I can tell he's not happy that I shared his secret with Harry, but it's stupid to be mysterious about it. I know why he doesn't want Harry to know though. 

"He tried almost everything."

"And nothing helps?"

"Not much, no," I say, finding eye contact with Liam. 

"It helps if Alex is with me." Finally Liam is able to open his mouth. 

"So why isn't she coming with you?" Harry walks past Liam and he's put in motion by it too. All three of us are inside now and I'm keeping my mouth shut. 

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