y/n nighmare

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I woke up from the dream. Y/n was holding on to me tight and I could tell that she has been crying. I hugged her back. I was afraid that is I let go them something would happen to her. She started to move around. "Shh. It's OK I am here." I whispered to her. I didn't work. She woke up. She looked at me and hugged me tighter. She started to cry. I looked at the clock. 5:19. "Y/n it is OK" I said. I rubbed her back in circles so she could go back to sleep. She went back to sleep. I pulled out my phone. Ross left a message
M=max r=Ross
R= where in the hell are you.
M= I fell asleep over here at y/n.
R=ok hey I have to go have fun with you girlfriend.
M=she is not my girlfriend.😡
R=😊we will see
*conversation ends*
I hear mumbling from y/n. "Max. Max. No. Please. Max. Please. No. Aiden. Stop. Max. Max!" She screamed and woke up. She started crying badly. I sat up and put her in my lap and hugged her. I held her tight. "Y/n I'm right here." I saw the fear in her eyes.
Aiden held a gun to f/n's head. "No please aiden." He shot her." Ross appeared. The same thing happened to him. I can hear f/n and Ross crying. Max appeared."max. No! Max! Max! Aiden! Please! Stop! Max!" "Max!" I screamed. I feel something hug me tight. I started to cry hard. Max held me. Then he sat up and put me on his lap and started to rock me back and forth. "Y/n I'm right here." I hear him say. I feel tears fall on me. I look up at him. Is he crying? He is. I wiped away the tears from my face. I wiped the tears away from his face. He looked at me. "Please don't ever fucking scare me like that." "I am r.really s.s.sorry i.-" "Max I swear to god! If you fucking hurt her I will kill you!" I turned around. F/n saw me. She ran to my and try to separate me and Max."No! Please! Stop! Max!" I held on tighter to him. F/n looked confused. She backed up. "F/n. Go to the store. We need something for dinner." I said in a strong voice. Almost in a commanding voice. "Ok." She had a shocked face. "Well." She walked out.
Woah. I never say her that pissed. I thought that !Max made her cry. Well was I wrong. I bumped into Ross at the store. "Hey." "Hey so did our plan of leaving them alone work. Did the fall asleep together." "Yea but when I woke up,y/n was crying and I thought that Max did something so I tried to pull them apart but she wouldn't let go of him. And then she commanded me to go to the store. I was actually scared and you know me I don't get scared easy." "Hmm. Well I have to finish getting things for the challenge for today." "Ok" we walked in different ways.
I just did that. I just did that to my best friend. I feel so bad. I snuggle up to max. When I realize what I am doing, I feel my face get super red. I feel tears fall on my face. I look up. Is max crying? He is crying! "Y/n please tell me what happened." I told him about the dream. "So that is who Aiden is." He said "Yea why." "Um you were kind of mumbling in your sleep." "Really? What did I say?" "Something like no. Max. Please. No. And then you said Aiden stop." "Oh" I feel my face turn red. "Are you hungry max?" "Yea I can eat something right now." " I can fix something. Is it ok if we have Mac and cheese?." Max chuckles. "Please do." I get off his lap and go to the kitchen. I feel so fucking embarrassed. I think I actually like max more than a friend. I was deep in thought until my phone rang.
Y-you f-f/n
Y= hello
F= hey. Are you ok?
Y=yea just had a nightmare. Max was just trying to calm me down.
F= what was the dream about.
I told her everything. I finished the Mac and cheese.
Y=hey got to go
F=mk bye
π conversation ends π

Hey thank u all for reading this. We hit over 80 readers. That might not be a big number to you but I appreciate it so fucking much. Well bye me Titans.😽

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