Y/n can't sleep

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I put the bowl of Mac and cheese in front of me and Max. We were just talking about what we had in common. I almost finished mine when I heard the door open."Sup bitches. I'm back!" "Ugh. Why do you have to say that fucking every time. It does get old f/n." She steps beside me and takes a bit of me food. "Hey!" She smiled and whispered in my ear. "Payback is a bitch isn't it?" I just rolled my eyes.
I finished my food. "So. How did you two love birds sleep. You know besides together." F/n says then glares at y/n. "I SWEAR I WILL FUCK YOU UP!" Y/n said before taking a deep breath. Man she is cute when she gets mad."besides I sleep OK until nightmares." "Wait you had more than one nightmare?" I said she nodded in agreement. She told me the one about her father and brother. Wow I feel so bad for her. "I have to go ok I will see you two later." "Oh. Ok then I'll walk you out." Y/n said. She walked me out and she said goodbye then hugged me. "Thank you max." I blushed. I hugged back. "I SHIP IT!" I hear f/n say. "Oh yea well guess what. I SHIP YOU WITH ROSS!" Y/n and I said at the same time we both laughed as we say f/n peek round the corner and her face was so red.
© time skip to tonight.©
I wake up in a room that I don't know. I look around and saw something terrible. Max and f/n making out! I cried and they just talked bad about me. Then out of now where max called me a bitch. That made me cry more. F/n looked at me and smiled like she wanted to hurt me. She pulls out a gun and shot me. I screamed out of pain. They both laughed.
F/n Pov
I wake up because I hear someone crying. Oh no it's y/n. I run to her room. Another nightmare. I walkup to her bed. I shake her while saying, "Y/n please wake up. Please. Please y/n wake up." I start to cry. I hate seeing her suffer. She is crying and I can't take it. She finally wakes up. I hug her she hugs back, tight. "Thank God you are awake. Do you want to sleep with me tonight. Like old times!" I said as she pulls away and wipe away her tears. She nodded. I picked her up bridal style. She is super light. I put her in the bed and layed next to her. "Sooooo." I said. She gave me a confused look. "You and Max, huh. I think you two are so cute together!" Her face went so red. "Oh yea. You know what other couple looks cute. You and Ross!" I felt my face go red. "W-whatever just f-fucking go to bed." She smiled and turned around I did the same. She fell asleep. I can tell because she snore softly, but not loud enough to bother me. I soon fell asleep.

So me titans how did you like this chapter. Anyway I want to shout out to a fan by the username of *drum roll* ressa91. Thank you for all of the support. Want to become part of the story and maybe have your idea in the book? Then leave me a message of your idea. It might just be in this book. You might even get a shout out, anyway go check out ressa91 and show some Titan love. Well bye 😽

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