The party at jess's Pt.1 Confession

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(Pic above is my dog cocoa!)
I opened the door but before I could walk in, someone grabbed my wrist. I  was turned around to see Max's face so close to mine. He looked into my eye. I looked in his eyes. "Y/n I want to know somethings and please be honest." "Uh o-ok. What is it?" I was so nervous! "What are your feelings toward me?" Oh no! Should I  lie? No, he ask for the truth. I have to come clean. "*sigh* I kind of maybe um-" "Y/n. Come on tell me the truth." " fine. I maybe like you more than a friend." Hey looked there in shocked. Then smiled! He giggled and softly kissed me on the check. I was just so fucking red. I looked at him smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and told him that I was going to go get ready and for us not to tell the others. Not even Ross and f/n. I got dressed in a red and black twenty one pilots shirt ( if you do not like it then change it and comment Wat u changed it to.) and black jeans with black converse. I was coming out of the apartment when Ross starts yelling out "GARENCE!!! GAYNESS!! SKYLOX!!!!" I got pissed because number one I ship Laurmau people, laurmau! Gayness, AMAZING! Skylox, eh don't really care for. Ross spots me and I had a an idea. At the top of my longs I yelled "MITHROSS!!" He said "I HAVE A BETTER IDEA. YOU AND F/N!!!" I flipped him off and saw f/n watching pewdiedie with her ear buds in. I took out one of her ear buds and said "Yo f/n go take care of your boyfriend because if you don't, her might not be able to see another day." She growled as she flipped me off. "Ok down boy down!" That pissed her off and as she sets down her phone, Max comes out of the apparent. I screamed and went to hide behind him. A course he was confused. " Awww look y/n is hiding behind her boyfriend!" I said for her to go fuck herself or Ross! Hehe Lol I am so funny!

Hey srry no update lately but remember I have a life, well kind of. We'll see you in the next chapter!!!!

The Gamer (mithzan x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora