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While we were trying to get out of Kian's view, we found a little spot where we could.. Hang out. I had my back against some big black metal closet looking thing. Nathan walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we began to kiss. I wasn't really worried about getting caught because where we were we were pretty hidden.

We were already kissing for a while. Suddenly I heard someone's voice.

"Woah, what the fuck!" Kian yelled as he began to run over to us. I immediately pulled away.

He walked over to Nathan and shoved him away from me. Nathan stumbled back a little and I stood in front of Nathan. "Kian!" I yelled. "What the hell are you guys doing?!" He yelled angrily. "And most importantly what the fuck are you doing with my sister?!" He looked over at Nathan. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Nathan's arm, pulling him away from Kian as we walked away. Kian grabbed my arm to stop me. "Let go of me!" I pulled out of his grip and continued to quickly walk off, still pulling Nathan by the arm.

"I'm so sorry about that Nathan." I said as I shook my head. "He's really protective, isn't he?" Nathan asked looking at me. I nodded my head. "You have no idea." I sighed. We were now far from Kian and he was no where in sight. I hadn't really talked to Kian ever since the small argument we had about him believing Jc instead of me.


I sat in bed with earbuds in listening to music and I was texting Nathan.

Kian swung open my door and immediately closed it once he came in. "Who the fuck was that?" He crossed his arms against his chest. I looked at him and pulled my earbuds out one by one, taking my time. "What?" I asked. "Who. The fuck. Was that?" He asked again but with more anger in his voice.

"My boyfriend." I said as if it was no big deal. "You- you have a fucking boyfriend now?!" He raised his voice. "Yes, and?" I rose an eyebrow.

"Since when?" He started to yell. "Since last week. We've been going out since last week."

He licked his lips and sighed angrily. "Are you fucking kidding me, Ashley?" He said lowly. "What? What's wrong with me having a boyfriend?" I raised my eyebrow again. He shook his head and looked down, as if he was disappointed. "What? What's wrong with me having a boyfriend?" I repeated myself.

"Because all he wants to do is get in your pants!" He raised his voice again, looking up from the ground. "Woah, what the fuck- Kian he is not like that!"

"Yes he is! All boys are! They just want sex!" Kian flung his hands in the air. "Kian he doesn't want that! He's not using me, he actually really likes me, believe it or not!" I argued.

Kian groaned loudly. "He wants to make it seem like he doesn't, but trust me, he does. He just can't wait till he gets in bed with you." Kian lowered his voice a bit.

"And you think I would let him?" I raised my eyebrow as I glared at him. "I don't know, would you?" He mumbled.

I bit my lip and sighed. "Yeah apparently because I'm irresponsible enough to sleep with him." I mumbled under my breath.

Kian rose his eyebrow in confusion. "What?"

"Nothing, asshole."

"How the hell am I an asshole?" He frowned. "You actually think I would let him take my virginity! You think I'm some type of hoe? That- that I would just open my legs for any guy I saw?"

Bad Boy | Jc CaylenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon