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"Kian what about you, how's school?" Our mom asked.

"And how's that friend of yours doing too?" My dad added, picking up his knife and fork. "Oh my friend is doing great." Kian smiled and nodded. "Well that's good. He hasn't gotten in trouble or anything like that?" My mom questioned. Kian shook his head and stabbed his fork into a piece of steak.

Our mother suddenly gasped as she put everything she had in her hands down. We all looked over at her in confusion. "Mom are you okay?" I giggled. "Yeah mom are you?" Kian raised an eyebrow. "I'm fine I just thought of a great idea!" She looked over at Kian. "Kian, you should invite him over for dinner one day!" She smiled widely, looking so proud of her idea. I looked over at Kian and waited for his answer. "That's actually not a bad idea.. But-"

"But what?" My mom interrupted him. "I don't think Ashely would be okay with it." He said as he looked over at me, my mom and dad doing the same. I looked at Kian and then my mom. "N-no I'd be okay with it." I nodded my head and smiled a little. "Are you sure? I thought you hated him." Kian looked confused.

"Oh I did." I nodded again. "But, we're cool now."

"Since when were you cool with him?" Kian furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. The last time he came over." I replied. "When?" Kian looked even more confused. I chucked a little. "You were in the shower when it happened." I said and Kian slowly nodded. "Oh okay."

"Why did you not like him before?" My dad asked, cutting into his steak. I looked over at Kian and he looked right back at me. "Oh um, I guess I just got a bad first impression from him." I said and my dad nodded.

Dinner was finally over and we all spent the rest of the night watching the movie Happy Gilmore.

Once that movie finished Kian and I went to sleep as our parents stayed downstairs cleaning the kitchen. "Good night Kian!" I yelled from my room. My room wasn't far from Kian's and I yelled loud enough for him to hear me. "Good night Ashley!" He yelled back. I smiled before laying in bed and going to sleep.


My alarm woke me up at 6:30 am. I set it for another 5 minutes. It went off. I set it again for another 5 minutes. It went off. I repeated the same pattern a few times more until finally getting out of bed.

I went downstairs to eat some cereal and saw that Kian had beat me to it. Normally I would be down here before he would but not this time. He had a bowl of cereal next to him already made and one in front of him which was the one he was eating. I walked into the kitchen and he looked over at me. "I made you some breakfast already, hurry before it gets soggy." Kian pointed to the bowl of cereal. I walked over to him and sat down. "Thanks." I said before putting a spoonful of Trix into my mouth.

I don't really know why Kian is being so nice to me all of a sudden but hey I don't have a problem with it.

After breakfast I went upstairs into my room to change. I changed into a light gray shirt that had a alien patch on the top left of the shirt on my chest. Then some skinny jeans, white converse, and a black hat with a white nike sign on the front.

It was already 7:30 so I had to get going for school. I was walking down the stairs as I was putting on my backpack. "Hey, could I walk with you?" I heard Kian ask as I reached the end of the stairs. I stopped to look at him. "Jc's not walking with you?"

Kian shook his head in response. "Then yeah." I said and walked to the door.

"Wow I can't believe you're turning 15 this Friday." Kian said as we walked to school. "It's not that big of a deal."

"How old is Nathan?" Kian asked. "15." I responded.

A few minutes passed and it was silent. Until I chuckled out of no where. Kian looked over at me weirdly since I chuckled so randomly. "Sorry.. I just- I just find it so funny that-" I stopped to laugh. "What? You find what funny?" Kian impatiently asked.

"I just find it so funny how I got a boyfriend before you got a girlfriend and I'm younger than you." I laughed loudly. "Hey I've had a girlfriend before!"

"Girlfriends on Club Penguin don't count Kian." I laughed even harder as I held onto my stomach. Kian rolled his eyes and smiled a little at my joke. "Shut up Ashley."

I continued to laugh but finally calmed myself down as we were getting closer to the school. "But seriously though how I do I have a boyfriend and you don't have a girlfriend?" I looked at Kian. He shrugged in response. "I honestly don't know."

"Don't worry Kian you'll get a girlfriend soon." I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Shut up."

I saw Jasmine and Cara already waiting in the front of the school, Nathan was with them too. I ran over to them. "Hey Nathan." I smiled before he pulled me close for a hug. "Hey beautiful." He looked down at me and I looked up at him, pecking his lips.

After a few minutes the bell rang so we all headed to our classes. Nathan walked me to mine and Jasmine and Cara walked each other to their classes


Class was over and it was break. As I was walked out I felt a tap on my shoulder. I figured it would be Nathan but it wasn't. It was my friend Maria. She wasn't one of my closest friends but we've known each other since 3rd grade. We hadn't talked in a while, for about 3 months maybe.

"Maria!" I said as I turned to see it was her. She smiled widely and went straight for a hug.

I looked over her shoulder and saw Nathan walking over to me. He smiled as he saw me and I smiled back. "Hold on Maria." I said before letting go of her and walking over to Nathan. "Nathan I hope you don't mind but I'm actually gonna be hanging out with one of my friends. We just need to talk." I told him. "Oh yeah that's fine." He smiled as he nodded. "Thanks babe." I pecked his cheek before walking back over to Maria.

We ended up walking around and just catching each other up on each other's lives. I found out some interesting stuff about her that have happened to her in the past month. For example, she has a new crush now. She barely started liking him yesterday. She wouldn't tell me who he was but she said she would eventually.

Bad Boy | Jc CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now