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My head was laid on Jc's chest, we were laying down on my bed, over the covers, just talking.

We talked for probably an hour, he really made me feel better about this whole situation.

But right now we were just silent. I closed my eyes and just relaxed to the sound of his heart beat.

Until I heard someone barge in.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Kian questioned, glancing at the both of us.

I sprung up. "We weren't doing anything." I said nervously.

"Jc, get off her bed." Kian demanded, trying to sound intimidating. Which was funny because Jc looks a lot more tougher than Kian.

Jc slowly got off my bed, taking his precious time.

He stood in front of my bed with his hands in the pockets of his pants, looking at Kian, waiting for what he would say next.

"Get out, we'll talk about this tomorrow." Kian told Jc.

I watched Jc walk out my room. Once he was out of my sight, I looked over at Kian, who was staring angrily at me.

I gulped, scared of what he was gonna say. Even though I know we didn't do anything wrong,

"Why was Jc here?" He crossed his arms.

"We weren't doing anything bad, we were just talking." I told him.

"What about?"

I bit my lip, not sure what to say. "S-something."

He rose an eyebrow as if saying for me to explain what 'something' was.

"I- I can't say." I looked down at his shoes.

"So you're lying."

"Wh- no, I'm not! I promise." I looked back up at his face.

"Then what the hell were you guys talking about?" He yelled.

"Something, Kian! I can't say what it is because you'll get mad!" I rose my voice.

"I won't, just tell me." He toned his voice down, calming down a bit.

"No, you will, trust me. I'd rather tell you another time." I said.

"Just please te-" I cut him off. "Kian, no matter how many times you beg me to tell you, I'm not going to. At least not right now."

He stayed quiet, looking down at the floor.

"Kian, its late and I'm tired. I've had a pretty bad day today, I just wanna sleep. We can talk about this another day." I said getting my pajamas out from my closet.

"Fine." He said grumpily before walking out, closing the door after himself.

I let out a long and loud sigh. What a day.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm waking me up at 6:30 am.

I felt exhausted so I laid in my bed for a few more minutes, thinking about last night, thinking about Jc, not in a crush type of way, just a friend type of way.

I got out of bed around 6:40 to start getting ready for school.

Around 7:10 I grabbed my phone to text Cara and jasmine if we could walk together to school.

When I turned on my phone, my screen was filled with text messages from Nathan.

I didn't bother reading any of them so instead I blocked him on every social media I had and blocked his number.

I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't completely over him, you can't easily get over somebody that quick. But I did want to get over him as quickly as I possibly could.


I sat in first period, thinking about how and when I would tell Cara and Jasmine about what happened last night.

Once class was over I walked straight to where Cara, Jasmine, and I hang out, waiting for them.

Jc passed by, he waved at me, smiling. I waved and smiled back.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned away from Jc and looked to my left to see Jasmine and Cara standing next to me.

"Oh hey." I smiled.

"Ashley I just wanna say sorry for making you drive all the way over to that party for nothing." Cara said unexpectedly.

"Oh, I wouldn't say it was for nothing." I faked a smile.

Cara frowned in confusion. "What do you m-" Jasmine cut her off.

"Ooh look who's coming over here." Jasmine nudged me, giggling.

Jc?, I thought.

I looked over my shoulder and saw the one person I didn't want to see walking over to me, Nathan.

Bad Boy | Jc CaylenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant