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Krystal looked up and notice the handsome guy's eyes also turn into a different colour which is blue.

"I'm so sorry " Krystal apologised and quickly ran back to her car.


what a weird girl. wait why did my eyes turn.. it will only turn when there's another wolf near me.. wait.. she can't be a wolf.. she looks like a normal human being! I decided to teleport back home.

"Yah Kai! Where have you been?! " shouted Chanyeol hyung the most loudest werewolf in the pack while running away from DO hyung the so called cook of the pack.

"I went to the park as per normal. " I said with a shrug.

"Did anything happen at the park? " this time it was Suho hyung the leader of the pack coming out from his room.

"Aniyo wae? " I asked innocently as if I didn't know what happened.

"If there wasn't anything , your eyes wouldn't change colour. " said Sehun the maknae of the pack. Eventhough he is the same age as me he is still the maknae as I was born a few months earlier than him.

I did not want to tell them what happen at the park but I was left with no choice as all 8 eyes was on me indicating for an explanation.

"okay... can we sit down at the sofa and I'll tell what happen at the park. So I was just strolling the park when I bumped into this beautiful girl holding her ice cream. Her ice cream fell onto my shirt explaining why I have a stain on my shirt. While she was apologising and wiping the ice cream off my shirt I saw a glimpse of her eyes turn grey and my eyes turn blue as well. With that, she suddenly went off and I teleported back here. " I explained while pointing to my shirt.

"I didn't expect your explanation to be this long " joked Baekhyun hyung.

"YAH HYUNG ! " I shouted while hitting him on the arms.

"Alright let's stop and find out who that girl is and what she is " said Suho hyung.

"Isn't too late already? It's already dark outside and she might be asleep " exclaimed Lay hyung the unicorn.

"Let's just forget about this and act like nothing happened alright ? " said Minseok hyung the eldest in the pack.

"Ne" all of us agreed.


But somehow one disagrees in his heart as he is
really curious about this girl and wanted to find out more about her.

a/n sorry that this part doesn't have any Krystal in it because it's about EXO the next part will have Krystal in it tho :-) don't forget to comment :-)

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