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" what if I can't fit in my wedding dress? " Krystal whined.

" yah! can you calm down? you just bought your wedding dress 2 days ago. " Wendy said.

" stil- "

" look, you will fit in your wedding dress. don't worry. " Irene calmed down Krystal.

" now go change! " Seulgi instructed Krystal.

Soon, Krystal came out in her wedding dress.

Soon, Krystal came out in her wedding dress

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" Jongin is gonna be amazed! " Seulgi said.

" I bet his's mouth will be open wide. " Wendy said.

" Krystal, it's time. " Jessica said.

Krystal is panicking.

" just calm down. you'll be fine. " Irene comforted Krystal.

" gomawo Irene. " Krystal sincerely thanked Irene.

Krystal walked down the aisle.

Kai gaped when he saw Krystal. She looks beautiful in her wedding dress and her hair, well everything about Krystal is perfect in Kai's eyes.

*skip the wedding vows*


" so, where are you guys heading for your honeymoon? " Sehun asked while hugging Irene's waist.

" omo! we didn't even discuss our honeymoon! " Krystal shouted.

" what? seriously? " Wendy asked in disbelief.

" calm down, will you. I already booked our flight ticket. " Kai said.

" as expected bro. " Sehun fist bumped with Kai.


" I'm gonna miss you dongsaeng! " Jessica cried while hugging Krystal.

" I'll miss you too unnie! " Krystal also cried

" what about us? " Irene, Seulgi, Wendy, Yeri, and Joy asked.

" girls! I thought you guys wouldn't come! " Krystal said while hugging them.

" Krys! we need to check in! " Kai told Krystal.

" take care of yourself there alright! " Irene said.

" I will! Even though, I don't know where I'm flying to. " Krystal said which made the girls laugh.

" don't forget souvenirs for us alright. " Wendy reminded.

" ara ara! I'll see you guys next week! " Krystal bid them goodbye and went to where Kai is. 

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