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School ended pretty early today and I kept thinking about the date that JongIn had invited. I was about to go out of the school gate when I heard JongIn shouting my name from behind.

" Yah. You agreed on going out on a date with me but here you are leaving me behind? " Kai asked while panting hard.

" Mian, I did not know where am I supposed to meet you at after school. " I answered while looking down because I felt bad.

" Aniyo. It's my fault. I did not give you my phone number. Talking about phone number, let's exchange our phone numbers and then we will talk about our date later on through message. " Kai said while winking at me.

I hit his arm and just gave him my number. After we are done exchanging numbers, I just waved goodbye to him and walked back home. While walking back home, I received a message.

Yah Soojungie ❤️ ! I'll meet you later at 5pm at your house alright! I'm going to introduce you to my pack!

From: Jonginnie :)

What's with the heartshape huh? and since when did you know where is my house located at huh STALKER?!

To: Jonginnie :)

I have my ways 😁😉 Just kidding! I'll tell you later alright princess! See you later ❤️😚

From: Jonginnie :)

I laughed at our conversation. We have been friends for only a few hours and we are already talking like we known each other for years. I do not know why I am feeling weird but I feel really comfortable with him and I cannot wait to meet him later. Since I'm going out with him for the first time and I'm also meeting his pack, I decided to wear something decent like a dress. I have the sudden urge to impress him.


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