Who are you?

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Ugh my head hurts...

You slowly push yourself off the floor instantly giving you a head rush and blurry vision.

You squint in an attempt to see straight and try to keep your balance as you feel a warm liquid flow down your neck.


You slowly touch the back of your head. You see a blurred red liquid on your hand.

Oh, I'm bleeding heh


Everything came back like a sharp thwack to the head and your vision sharply cleared. You look around in a frantic rush adrenalin fueling your system.

Your eyes land on a person they had red eyes that were staring down at you, a green and yellow jumper and shorts.

*You ok? You seemed to have fallen down hard. I'm chara.

You slowly blink unable to think straight.

"Yes I'm fine thank you, I'm (Y/N)"

You all of a sudden remember this was the person who jumped down the hole in the first place! You looked at Chara closely and saw they were sort of fading in and out of existence.

Chara noticed your shock and sighed

*Yes I am a ghost and also you are not a ghost.

You sigh in relief and quickly remember your bleeding. You need something to cover the wound before you loose too much blood.

You start walking throw the hallway looking at the patch of golden flowers which was stained with red.

"HoI! I'm tEm, tEm da TeMmIe"

You blinked at the wierd dog cat thing as it spoke.

"Ur nEw 2 da uNdErGrOuNd aren't chu? Tem will show you what to do!"

*You entered a fight with Tem!

Now you have to wait for part 2 xD

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