Christmas Catastrophe

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You woke up to a LOUD snore causing you to sit up quickly and fall off the couch.

As you looked round, you realise you fell on a sleeping Papyrus. You quickly squirmed out of his grip and jump back onto the couch.

Chara was making a lenny face from the corner of the room, causing you to glare at them. They just snickered loudly and grinned.

You looked hazing at the clock and saw it was eleven. You guys slept in it seems. Papyrus slowly woke up and noticed your blush and raised an non existent eyebrow.

You just shrugged. Sans ran down the stairs.

You quickly sat up and nodded as sans ran under the tree, grabbing the presents and handing them out.

After they were all handed out, Papyrus had five presents,
San had eight,
You however had none.

You were surprised, you got them something for them and nothing in return, well you shouldn't really be surprised. You aren't part of the family or someone's partner.

Hell you were only just acquaintances with them. They were just letting you stay with them until you got to the surface. So you felt a lil distraught about the situation.

You left them and their merry way, buying food for yourself and other things to cheer yourself up. You sighed as Chara walked, we'll floated with you.

*So... Guess we're spending time together on Christmas! Yay!

Chara seemed so happy which is actually odd.

Well you seem happy about that!

*Yea! The last Christmas I had was with Frisk and that was ages ago!

You smile seeing how happy they are, however you felt sad that the other two didn't really do anything. Chara seemed to notice it and tilted their head.

Chara jumped up with an idea.

*Hm lets go back to the house!

You didn't really want to but did anyway, as you got back you leaned on the wall. Papyrus walked over to you and grinned.

"Sup kid?"

You opened your mouth as sans yelled


You blush and paps shrugged gently pecking your lips with his teeth.

" Merry Christmas kid"

He walked off gently, you were still blushing, Sans hurried after paps probably to tease him.

As you were standing still, you heard a knock on the window. You walked over to the window and opened it seeing a small present and a note.

You gently picked it up and close the window. You opened it seeing a small necklace with a heart pendant on it.

The note read:

Merry Christmas dear! I hope you like the present, I know you didn't get any so I thought I'd get you something! At least you know someone Care!
Love Frisk xoxo

You put the present away and walked up the stairs following paps and Sans.

Yay! New chapter on Christmas eve or Christmas or whenever you read this as promised. Anyway yay have a merry Christmas! Or well a nice holiday!
See ya next update

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