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*You entered a fight with Tem!

"SeE dat (f/c) HeArT dErE dat is ur soul!"

"Ur SoUl GrOwS bY cOlLeCtInG tEmMiE fLaKeS!"

White "temmie flakes" appeared around your (f/c) soul. You didn't trust the temmie in front of you. You felt like you had done this before however.

"CoLleCt dem AlL!"

They slowly fell you move your heart out the way, for some reason you felt like if you touched them something bad would happen.

"Buddy, you missed let's try again"

More pellets appeared and you dodged them.

"Is this a joke? Are you brain dead? RUN.INTO.THE.BULLETS... I mean temmie flakes!"

Now you definantly knew not to trust it. 

"You know what's going on don't you? You just wanted to see me suffer!"

Your soul was surrounded by bullets.


You were terrified and chara was frozen in place. You decided to do one of the only things you could do, you screamed. You begged for someone to help, for someone to walk in and just take you away from this dog,cat thing no monster that was going to try and kill you. You felt like you should be calm but you couldn't be calm.

Chara blinked in surprise at your scream, Temmie looked confused. But a fire bolt hit temmie and saved you. Chara seemed to expect it to happen bit was shocked from your screams.

A goat man in a robe walked in and saw your terrified face.

"Are you alright my child?

You were panting but nodded and started to slowly stand up. The male goat gave you his hand and you take it pulling yourself up.

But the last thing you saw was a shocked asgore and a concerned chara as you pass out.

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