Well, how kind

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You woke up woozy seeing the wounds you had wrapped up.

Wait? Wounds? Was I hurt?

*Well yes you were, we didn't realise but Temmie had stuck a bullet in your side.

Oh right, thanks chara.

You pushed yourself up and saw pie on the floor.

*picked up butterscotch and cinnamon pie

Hmm, looks tasty

*Maybe you should save it for later

You put it in your bag and got up.
You slowly headed out the room. You were now on a corridor, you slowly walked out and got into a room with a fire place and asgore reading a book.

"Ah! Hello my child, how are you?"

"I'm great, thanks for everything!"

Asgore smiled.

"It is no problem my child, is there anything you require?"

You hesitated, you wanted to get out of here badly.

"Uhm mister asgore? Where is the exit to the ruins"

Asgore froze and got up

"Excuse me my child, I have to do something"

Asgore left the room and headed down some stairs

Oooh boy

You followed behind him and stopped at a door.

"This is the exit to the ruins, I will not fight you however please take this with you"

*asgore handed you a cell phone.

"Thank you!"

"It is called a cell phone call me if you need or want to and be safe out there my child."

He gently hugged you and went up the stairs teary eyed.

You took in a deep breath and pushed open the heavy door.

A Long Road (Underswap!papyrus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now