Frisk why?

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Angst and fluff also cus fluff

Frisk stood forward twirling thier knife, grinning darkly. They laughed at all of your frightened expressions.

"Well... don't look so glum chum!"

They said giggling, while glaring daggers at you all especially chara.

"Chara...well I see you decided to go with someone else instead of moi... I'm hurt chara!"

They said fake gasped and acted distressed. Then stopped and stared at you, red eyes piercing through your very soul.

"So who is my replacement?"

Frisk asks impatiently, you gulp but reply.

I'm (y/n)

Frisk raises an eyebrow, then rolls thier eyes and stocks out thier tongue in a barfing motion.

"Eck. Why hello (y/n), that's a really stupid name btw"

They stepped back and smirked.

"Well... I think we should meet again and then we'll have some fun tah tah!"

Frisk did a slicing motion on thier neck and walked out the door giggling. You were so scared, you only just realised you were hugging paps arm tightly. This caused you to squeak and let go with a light blush taking over your face. Paps just raised and 'eyebrow' and shrugged.

You stared at the now open door, overly cautious and terrified that frisk would walk back in. Chara tried to kick the door to close it but thier leg went straight through it.


They realised you saw that and very quickly looked at you.

*you saw nothing...

This caused you to chuckle as paps closed the door and looked at you with a very confused face. You just shrugged and walked upstairs, papyrus following you. This caused you to turn round and look at him questioningly, he just shrugged.

"I thought you would want to sleep in my bed tonight since every night at midnight you've been waking me up to sleep in it anyway"

This caused you to blush and just hide in your clothing, blushing a storm, but nodded none the less. He took you into his room and flopped on the bed, you quickly followed his lead.


And off paps fell to sleep, you felt drowsy Ness overcome you and slowly closed your eyes fading into the land of sleep.

Hope you enjoyed that also bonus for shits and giggles:

Meanwhile chara just awed in the next room, then muttered under thier breath;

*Don't f*ck the skeleton.

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