Walking Alone On Christmas

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You sighed Papyrus he's been... distant since that body was discovered. It saddened you honestly. There was nothing to be done about it tho.

What concerned you or made you feel uplifted was Frisk. Knowing they were watching you made you feel uneasy.

Monsters were running round like crazy, carrying gifts and screaming about how there were hardly any decorations up.

This confused you what was going on? You gently nudge the bunny lady to your left, who jumped in surprise.

"Excuse me but what is going on??"

She looked at you shocked,then heartily answered
"It's Christmas tomorrow! Everyone is rushing to get presents!"

Hearing this your eyes widened, you hadn't got Papyrus or sans ANYTHING. There was no doubt they'd get something for you and how bad would it look if yo u showed up with absolutely nothing.

This caused you to run to the nearest store, as you browsed there wares you noticed an action figure, sans would absolutely love that. You grabbed it and tried to find stuff for paps. He liked cigarettes, but there weren't any here, this caused you to question where he gets them from. You shrug and look for something else.
You look to the side and see honey, does pap like honey? Eh you'll get him some. You try and find something else and see some hoodies that look like paps size and grab that too.

You rushed to thier house, stuff in bags with wrapping paper. When you finally got back you saw no one was home luckily but there was a big tree and lots of decorations....they really went all out on this huh.

This caused you to panic, damn how were you gonna do this in a small amount of time. Chara rolled thier eyes.

*Why don't we just combine and use our skill together? I mean it'll be fast and we can unco bone before we know it!

Seeing no other alternative thats what you did. Presents were wrapped in seconds,everything looked great you stepped back to look at your work with a grin. Your wings fluffed up, then you noticed you had wings?!

There is a prophecy. The Angel... The One Who Has Seen The Surface... They will return. And the underground will go empty.

In serious shock you and chara unfused, chara falling into through the tree cus ghost.Chara falling through the tree instantly made you laugh, chara growled and crawled out of the tree dusting themselves off.

You got off of the couch and pushed the presents, completely forgetting the wings and the random narration that just happened cus it's crucial to the plot.

Papyrus walks in with sans both talking jollily, you grinned as they spotted you putting presents under the tree.

"Sup kiddo, you didn't need to buy us anything ya know."

"But I wanted too!"

You smile brightly at them both, sans does the same back while Paps just grins like normal. Paps has been distant recently since what happened to your pal, but he won't be distant on Christmas...will he?

Yay an update woop! Right sorry I was low on inspiration and some stuff popped up so I didn't have time to update it. BUT next update will be om Christmas eve or Christmas day that's my Christmas present to you guys! Have a lovely day!

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