What even is this...

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Ah, angst warning that turns into fluff btw...

Angst start
You pushed yourself up, looking round slowly. You were still in papyruss' house. You rubbed your eyes chara was awake in the corner of the room staring at you.


They had the blankest, dead stare you had ever seen on them. They were also covered in dust.

*...feeling better partner? We should hurry up and get rid of that annoying skeleton...

You shook your head trying to say no but ended up nodding instead, causing charas grin to widen.

*Well come on then, can't keep him waiting the lazy f*cker.

You couldn't help but feel shocked chara normally complained about you swearing but now they swore!

What is going on...

Your mouth didn't open you were tugged up by some unknown force and walked out his house. After a couple minutes you had a ride from Gaster I believe his name was? Well he rowed you to your destination and you happily walked past your surroundings focusing on your task ahead.

You stopped right in front of a loooong hallway, after a few steps paps appeared he looked very angry at you, but it wasn't as bad as the disappointment in his eye sockets. They had lost thier usual spark and we're devoid of life, sort of like he gave up.


He spat out venomously at you eyes narrowing.

"I trusted you... and you killed everyone here...you monster...and to think I could of liked you"

His eyes narrowed, his teeth clenched and he just teared up a little.

"Don't take another step or else..."

You and chara smirked, stepping forward. Your body wasn't in your control and you were forced to watch this heart breaking scene unfold in front of you.

"Well.... you asked for it demon"

A bone flew at your head which you easily dodged, after countless attacks, misses, deaths, dodges and tears you landed a hit in paps, blood leaking out his hoodie.

"Well... I guess that's it huh... I only have one thing to say to you...I trusted you and you killed my brother, hurt my friends and worst of all you broke my heart... yet I still can't hate you..."

He pushed himself up and started walking off,

"Welp I'm off to Muffets sans do you want anything?"

And he was gone dust everywhere, you treaded forwards killed toriel, temmie and looked at chara.

*We did well... now shall we ERASE this world?

You pressed the NO option

*No? Well who said you were in control!!?!

Chara jumped on you thier face creating a big black goop which covered you as they were pinning you down, you were stabbed in the stomach, as chara laughed manically you muttered a quiet

I'm so sorry...

Fluff start
You woke up with a start, tears streaming down your face as you sobbed from the dreaded nightmare. You rubbed your eyes and looked at chara who was asleep happily, then up at paps room. You pushed yourself up teary eyed and knocked on paps door.

"Come in"

A very sleepy grouchy papyrus answered through his door, yo u walked in rubbing your eyes. He sat up a bit and looked at you, he was about to say something but then spotted your tears and pushed himself up.

"Yo kid what happened?"


Paps sighed and moved over,

"You can sleep here for the night kid."

You walked over and sat on the bed, you lowered yourself onto your back and the sighed. Your eyes closed, as you started to dream happily knowing your guardian papyrus was watching over you.

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