Bed time benny boo

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*they soon arrive at his room and go in*
Mal: alright let's get into bed
Ben: ugh
Mal: you have to rest, to heal
Ben: I'm already bored out of my mind and we've only just come through the door
Mal: come on just get into bed
*ben gets into bed with Mal's help, trying not to groan as he does*
Mal: the stitches are dissolvable so they should just come out on their own and until then you can't do anything that could cause a problem and you have to have a new dressing on it everyday twice a day but she showed me how to do that when she did it this morning so I can do it
*there's awkward silence for a while until she finally breaks it*
Mal: you were so brave
Ben: no I wasn't
*theres a knock at the door*
Mal: that'll be Evie, but I'm not finished with this yet, this conversation's not done
Ben: okay
*he smiles at her and rolls him eyes thinking how adorable she was right then, she goes over to the door and opens it*
Evie: hey, Jay said your wanted these, I packed a few extra things I thought you might need, I missed you last night, will you be back tonight?
Mal: probably and thanks, I'll see you later E
Evie: bye
*Mal closes the door*
Ben: you don't have to do this you know
Mal: I know, but I want to


*around 12 hours later, Ben starts yawning*
Mal: and that means bedtime for bennyboo
Ben: seriously?!
Mal: yep
Ben: I love you but you're my girlfriend not my mother, babe
Mal: just go brush your teeth and then put on your pyjamas and I'll change your dressing
Ben: woof
Mal: come on don't be stupid
Ben: wheelchair me
*she pulls over the wheelchair and helps him in before taking him into the bathroom, he brushes his teeth and then she wheels him back unit the main bedroom*
Ben: there's only one problem, how do I get changed when I'm not really supposed to move?
Mal: you trust me don't you?
Ben: of course I do
Mal: then like this
*she incants a spell and suddenly he's in his pyjamas
Ben: good idea and can I just say you're definitely getting very good at the magic
Mal: thank you
*she helps him back onto the bed*
Mal: top up
*he looks at her particularly confusedly*
Mal: I have to change your dressing
Ben: oh right obviously
*he carefully lifts up his top so she can see it, she begins to remove the old dressing and he pulls a face like he's in pain, she stops*
Mal: are you okay?
Ben: ahhh, yeah
*she pulls it the rest of the way off*
Mal: yikes, that doesn't look very nice
Ben: oh, really?
Mal: but I kinda like that you've got a scar of your own
Ben: ever gonna tell me the story of yours
Mal: maybe one day
Ben: okay
Mal: now stay still
*she places the new dressing on and he puts his top back down, she sits she sits on the bed next to him but facing him, she puts her hand on his cheek and strokes it*
Mal: I love you
Ben; I love you too
*they lean in and have a quick little snog*
Ben: goodnight
Mal: I'll be back in the morning as soon as I'm dressed, do not do anything you shouldn't whist I'm gone
Ben: I won't, I promise
Mal: okay then goodnight
*they kiss one more time and then she leaves and he soon falls asleep*

Bal: a King and his queenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora