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Mal: so what are you drawing then Isla?
Isla: you and the King for our presentation later
Mal: oh that
*isla looks at her a bit funny*
Mal: oh sorry, no don't get me wrong, I love that people actually care about me but it's still kinda weird, people seem to think that I'm important for some reason and I'm not used to that, back on the island I was feared more than I was respected
Isla: oh
Mal: sorry I don't know where that came from, anyway, can I see?
Isla: okay
*she hands Mal her drawing*
Isla: I copied a picture
Mal: yeah, I recognise it, it's the one that got leaked from the first time Ben took me to the beach over the summer, we went with Evie and Doug, we'd just beaten them at volleyball when we saw the flashes, Isla this is amazing, it's fantastic
Isla: I guess
Mal: no I'm serious this is really good
Isla: really?
Mal: absolutely, I know good art when I see it
Isla: thank you! That means so much, you're one of my favourite artists, I've seen some of your work and I love it
Mal: thank you
*they smile at each other and Mal felt a glimmer of pride that she had managed to bring this shy little girl out of her shell*
Mal: Ben
*she calls to him across the room, he instantly turns his attention away from the group of boys a few metres away that he was talking to to look at her*
Mal: come look at this
*he get properly up from where he was kneeling and walks over to her, he looks at the picture Isla drew, the fact the King was looking at her work left Isla blushing profusely*
Ben: wow, this rivals even yours
Mal: I know, in fact I don't think it rivals, I'd say it's better
Isla: no it's not
Ben: it is really good
Isla: T....thank
Mal: it's so realistic
Isla: thanks, I love all of your stuff so much, you inspired me rotary art, that's why I draw now
Mal: thank you so much, that is just so sweet
Isla: you're my idol, me and my bet friend want to be just like you one day, we think you're amazing
*Mal smiles*
Ben: so do I
*he smiles at her and she feels herself start to blush, kisses him really quickly*
Ben: pretty talented bunch aren't you?
*isla smiles sheepishly*
Mal: alright I'll let you get back to work, we'll see you at the assembly later
Isla: thank you
*they get up and walk away*
Ben: she was really good
Mal: yeah
Ben: you're still the best
Mal: thank you
*she looks down awkwardly and in doing so notices his hand on his stomach where his scar is*
Mal: you okay?
*she feels the concern rise within her*
Ben: yeah, it's nothing
Mal: promise me, last time it was nothing you ended up in the collapsing and having surgery, I'm not going through that again, I can't
Ben: baby it's okay, I promise it's nothing, it's just a little tender, the scars just pulling a little bit, nothing's going to happen, okay?
Mal: okay, but promise me that you'll tell me if it gets worse yeah?
Ben: I promise I will
Mal: c...can we go outside, I just.....I kinda just need a hug
Ben: sure baby, we should probably be going soon anyway
Mal: okay
*she clings onto be a arm tightly as they head over to the teacher, he thanks her and says goodbye as Mal puts on a not particularly good fake smile before they head outside*

Bal: a King and his queenWhere stories live. Discover now