Royal Wedding

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*mal and all her bridesmaids were ushered into a horse drawn carriage, Mal felt completely like a princess and she didn't quite hate it, she wasn't quite sure how she was going to handle being queen but she knew she'd try her best*
Mal: god in like an hour I'll be the queen, that's mental
Evie: what's mental is you think it'll only be an hour, they're gonna parade you round for a while first, they you'll have to stand on the balcony and wave for like half an hour, M, you've actually gotta be coronated, you don't just marry the king and BAM you're queen
Mal: this is the kinds of things I didn't want to know!
Audrey: it's easy, fairy godmother goes through the wedding ceremony, blesses your marriage, Ben crowns you queen once you say a couple of things, fairy godmother blesses your queenship and bim bam boom you're done
Mal: if it's that easy you do it then....oh wait yeah
Audrey: I'd rather not, Ben was rather boring with me
Jane: I can see the cathedral!
Lonnie: so I'm out first, then Jane, Audrey you're after her, Evie then you and finally Mal
Evie: sounds great, so Mal you've been through the run-throughs you're ready for this
Mal: yeah okay so you all get out and go in with your respective groomsmen or best man for you Evie, then I get out, wave a little, try not to look like I'm about to like I don't know DIE and then we go from there
Lonnie: sounds good to me
Evie: M you'll be fine
Mal: here's hoping
*as they come closer to the cathedral the people outside become aware that their future queen is arriving, the cheering and screaming and all around jolliness, this gave Mal a little more confidence, soon they arrived outside on the patriotic blue carpet with the golden outline, Mal watches as Lonnie leaves first, she sees the cathedrals grand doors open, Lonnie meets Chad at the doors and the walk down to take their places by Ben who is already stood up there nervously, getting very anxious waiting for his bride, next Jane leaves the carriage and upon meeeting Carlos follows suit, next Audrey with Jay, finally Evie and Doug, realising it's now her time Mal takes a deep breath, she couldn't help but worry that her mother might have something planned, an idea that she became significantly more aware of as she saw the amount of secret service agents around the place, almost double bend coronation that's as almost 5 years ago now, she couldn't believe how the time had seemed to fly by for her, as she took tot he steps she had an agent either side to help her down, her dress flowing down behind her, she hadn't wanted a huge train because it made her feel stupid but she'd been told it was royal etiquette so she had agreed, Mal had also been told she must have two girls to walk along behind her carting her train so she wasn't having to drag it along the floor because apparently that was inelegant so she asked Isla and Klara, the two girls from all those years ago at the elementary school, the girls had been very excited but her request and had eagerly agreed so Evie designed them two beautiful dresses and they had never felt more special except the day when the future queen and her king had stopped to speak to them in their classes, once Mal had finally cleared all the steps they arrived at her side as non-squealy as they could manage, Mal smiled at both of them and then remembered she was supposed to be waving, she did as Evie had taught her to do and the crowd seemed to love her, finally she could hear 'here comes the bride' and knew it was her cue, the girls took their places and then Mal turned to the doors, her life would never be the same again once she stepped through the doors, she began her walk to them and upon reaching them was greeted by Maurice who she and Ben had decided should walk her down the isle, having no father figure to ask*
Maurice: you look beautiful
Mal: thank you
Maurice: my grandson is a very lucky man
Mal: maybe
Maurice: he is, now come on, let's go get you married to him so I can say you're my granddaughter in law
*mal chuckles a little and then once again becomes serious as they head into the chapel, everyone stands up as she enters with the girls and Maurice, I felt like a long way but eventually she got there, Maurice hugged her and then the girls and he went to take their seats at the front as everyone else was seated, time to do the next part*


More soon xoxo

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