Out with the stitches

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*6 days later she arrives in the morning as she has every morning all week*
Mal: hey
Ben: hey
Mal: so yesterday the stitches were pretty much gone so I went over to the infirmary on the way to my room to get them to explain what to do now
Ben: okay
Mal: so I've got to check that they're all fully dissolved and if they have which they should have then we a clean dressing on and we stole try and get you mobile again, building it up gently
Ben: so it's time to try and use those crutches
Mal: yep
Ben: don't you find it strange that I had surgery in my stomach and yet I need crutches
Mal: I just do as I'm told, I don't want to break the King
Ben: but I'm more than just a King
*he smirks at her and she grins back, leaning in and kiss oh my god him*
Mal: that you are
Ben: so let's do this
Mal: remember with the emphasis being on IF the stitches are dissolved
Ben: okay then, I guess we'd better find out
Mal: okay you ready?
Ben: as I'll ever be
*he lifts up his top and she takes the old dressing off, she just looks at the wound which was now more of a scar*
Ben: so? What's the verdict?
*she runs her fingers along it as lightly as she can while still putting on enough pressure to be sure the stitches are gone
Ben: ah god
*he tries to keep it under his breath*
Mal: I'm sorry just a second
*she runs them along the last bit of the scar*
Ben: argh
*also trying to keep that one under his breath*
*she stops having finally gotten to the end and takes her fingers away*
Ben: so?
Mal: they're gone
Ben: okay
Mal: alrighty, let me patch you up and then you can sort yourself out and we'll start trying to see what you can do okay?
Ben: okay
*five minutes later he's in the wheelchair in the middle of the main bedroom dressing in sweatpants and a t-shirt which she couldn't help but notice he looked particularly hot in*
Mal: you ready?
Ben: I think so
Mal: alright then first step is to slowly and carefully stand up
*with a little help he stands up slowly, groaning a little as he did, his scar pulling a little bit*
Mal; there you go
*they continue progressing and doing these kinds of exercises for the rest of the day and then sit down on the couch
Ben: ah
*under his breath*
Mal: you okay?
Ben: yeah the scar is just pulling a little
Mal: want me to make it better?
Ben: how exactl....
*he trails off as she locks lips with him, they kiss for a couple of minutes and then break away*
Ben: well that definitely fixed something
Mal: good
Ben: thank you for everything you've done for me over the last week
Mal: you would've done the same for me
Ben: I love you
Mal: I love you too

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