Chapter Twelve

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It all started with a nightmare. 

First, of my dad.  Beating me, like he always had.  It was one of those times where he was extremely violent, where he fed off my screams of pain and terror. 

And then the fire poker.  It was red hot, the tip blue and white. 

And he stabbed me, ran it across my skin.

Then, fire.  Fire everywhere. My room, the stairs, the living room, the house, my backyard, my front lawn, everywhere there was fire.

And it was blocking the door.  I was trapped.  I couldn't get out.  I would die right here.  I could feel my skin starting to burn, feel the pain...

I woke up gasping and crying. 

And then, my phone rang.  I quickly picked it up and answered, feeling Thomas sit up beside me.  "Kylie baby?"

"Hello?"  I asked in a shaking voice.

"Kylie!  We need you at the shelter quick!  Bring water and wet towels, bandages, medicine!  We need you here now!  Hurry up!"  It was Erica. 

I was about to answer her, but she hung up before I could say anything.

Pure dread filled me.  I jumped out of bed and quickly changed clothes, went into the kitchen and wet lots of my towels, grabbed a huge bag and shoved most of my medicine cabinet in it.  I grabbed eleven water bottles out of the fridge, and started towards the door.

"Kylie!  Kylie, what's going on?  Where are you going?"  Thomas had gotten dressed and had stumbled out of my room. 

"There's something wrong at the shelter.  I have to go."  I quickly opened the door and ran.  I felt myself start to cramp, but I didn't care.  Something was very wrong, and I think I had an idea of what it was.

Thomas followed behind me, and he ended up riding with me to the shelter. 

I was scared, I was crying I was hyperventilating.  Thomas tried to calm me down, tried to switch with me so that he was driving, but I wouldn't let him. 

I was speeding. 

And then I saw it. 

The shelter...  The shelter was on fire.

"No, no, no!"  I screamed.

"Oh my God."  Thomas said, covering his mouth with his hand.

I sped into the parking lot, grabbed my heavy bag full of stuff, and ran. 

I tripped and fell, pain spreading through me.  But I got back up, and I continued to run.

There were people and animals everywhere, running around and yelling.  I threw my bag of stuff on the ground. 

The heat was intense.  I was close to the building now, and it hurt.

But I knew.  I knew that they didn't have all the animals. 

I looked around, but I couldn't find them. I couldn't find Oscar and Cal, the foxes that I had taken care of, the foxes that I had formed a bond with.

I ran around frantically, asking if anyone had seen them. They all shook their heads.

They were still in there. And I lost all my sense then.

I ran back to my bag, which people were quickly going through and taking medicine and water. I pushed some of them out of the way and grabbed a wet rag.

They asked what I was doing. I didn't answer.

And I ran towards the building. When I was about ten feet away, I felt someone grab my arm, pulling me backwards.

Marry Me~Sequel To Kiss Me~A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now