Chapter Thirteen

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*Oh my gosh, thank you all so much for 50k reads on my first Thomas Brodie Sangster book!  It really means a lot to me!*

It's dark.  Or maybe it's light?  It might be gray.  It might be white too.

I'm alone.  I'm not sure if I can see.  I think I can?  I've never been able to not see before, so I don't know what it's like.

I feel so tired.  So, so tired. 

Where am I? 

My body feels weird.  Some parts feel numb, some parts can still feel.  Some parts are in between. 

Are my eyes open, or are they closed?  I feel so drowsy.  The silence, I'm not sure how it makes me feel. 

And then, voices, I think.  Some kind of sound.  They kind of blur together, then become clear, then blur together again. 

And I think I remember.  I think.

I remember a fire, and animals, and PAIN. 

What happened?

I panic.  And then, I just... Go under again.


I think there is light now.  I think those sounds are actually voices. 

"... see her.  I'm... tell her..."

I just feel so tired. 


My eyes.  They slowly open, I think.  But the light is so bright, it hurts to look.  So I close them again.

And I open them again, squinting.  And now, the light isn't as bright.  I don't move, only my eyes. 

Everything is white.  Am I in heaven?

If I was, it really smells like hospital and a doctor's office. 

It takes a few moments to click that that was where I was. 

And I sit up instantly, looking around, my eyes wide open.  And it hurts.  It hurts SO bad. 

"Woah, calm down, calm down.  It's alright, you're fine, you're fine."  I look at my hands.

Oh my goodness.  They both are pink and white and they HURT.  The skin... There was barely any skin. 

I look at my arms then.  There were parts of skin that looked normal, but there were also huge burns on them.  They didn't look as bad as my hands, but still, my skin is burned pretty bad. 

"Alright, please lay back down.  It's alright.  Here, please drink some water, you must be very thirsty.

And I was.  The nurse helps me drink the water from the cup, and it feels really good as it slides down my throat.

I have to go to the bathroom.

I tell the nurse.

"Alright, let me just get something."  And she get a wheel chair.

I frown.  "I can walk by myself."  I say.

"Just in case."  She answers back.

I get out of the bed, but when I try to walk, I can't.  I almost fall, but the nurse catches me before I do. 

My legs were like jelly, but they also hurt.

Marry Me~Sequel To Kiss Me~A Thomas Brodie Sangster Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now