Chapter 13. Draw My Life Part 1

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A/N : I AM SO FREAKING TIRED MY GOSH. HERE IS YOUR UPDATE, UPDATES ARE A LITTLE BIT SHORT BECAUSE I'm writing this on Ipad so, yeah... so here's the story, The ones with * will be put out later for those who don't know what those are.

Patricia's P.O.V.

-1 week later-

We were officially in our own room, I've been ignoring One Direction alot and Hanna and Felix are dating. Though Liam.... is taking glances at Hanna which makes me suspicious. We've been uploading regularly, and we were about to do a 'Draw My Life' video. It'll be different and we'll have to put in a LOT of effort and we'll edit alot.

As we set down four whiteboards, four markers and four board erasers and four cameras, we would start with Lucy first, Sam, Hanna then me. We were in seperate rooms and we kinda made scripts. "Okay we start in three.... two......." She paused, my hand near the play button. "Go." She said loud and clear, and that we pressed play.

"Hello! We're F.A.T." I started off, "I am LucilleTheLemon." "SammySpaghetti." "HannaTheBanana." "And PattiePotatoe." And we are gonna do a draw my life video!" We started off, not hearing the others voices. "My name is Patricia Mae Capua Contado." I drew a circle and wrote my name then erased.

"I was born in Malate, Manila Philippines, at August 22." I drew a hospital bed and my mom in the bed giving birth to me then erased. "I am the youngest out of my family and I have only one sibling which is my brother, Ivan." I drew a taller boy and a tall girl but a little bit shorter. I made an arrow pointing the Tall girl and wrote me, I drew the same with my brother but wrote Ivan.

"Ivan is five years older than me, I was sent to DayCare were I met Han, Sam and Lucy. I was only friends with them that time, not best friends." I drew four girls, Me, Hanna, Samantha and Lucille. "I had a dog once, I was devasted when he ran away. He was chasing a cute kitten and then we got another dog named 'Hammer' the last one (the one that chased the cat) is named 'Prince'."

"Then... My mom sent me to an elementary school, which was St. Scho." I drew a building with a St. Scho sign then erased. "I started at Prep. I don't remember much exactly..." I tried to think. "Oh yeah! Lucille and Sammy weren't there that time in Prep, it was only me and Hanna."

"Then on first grade, I was sent to St. Waltrude, Sammy wasn't there." "Then in second grade, thats where our friendship started." I drew a heart and wrote friendship then erased. "We had an AMAZING teacher, she was loved by everyone." I drew a teacher. "She was called Ms. Marquina." I put an arrow and wrote Ms. Marquina then erased.

"Third grade was where we planned to be... F.A.T. I guess." I took Taekwondo lesoons with Hanna, our coaches name was EJ which was also Hanna's brother name was." I drew a boy then wrote Coach EJ then drew another boy and put Hanna's Brother then erased. "We were... Pretty bad at it but of course, we advanced." I drew a belt then shaded it. I erased my drawing

"Lucille took Badminton which was lucky for her cause she was good at it." I drew a girl with a racket then erased. "Sam took Gymnastics, so everyone of us had a sport. YAAAAAAAY!" I drew a girl and her legs was open so she was doing a split. "Fourth grade, we started to plan more and more, waiting for the day we would be F.A.T."

"Fifth grade.... Well, we didn't talk that much until we were in High School." "When we were 16, we finished High School. Met up at Starbucks and moved to U.S!" "Then, we bought our equipment there and started doing 'youtube'. Soon, subscribers were more and more!" I made a box sign, wrote zero then one hundred then one thousand then ten thousand, then one million then finally six million. I erased it, "And then, three years later... Here I am!"

"I kinda even met my first, love. The One Direction boy, Louis Tomlinson." I wrote Patricia + Louis then erased. "And that's my version of how F.A.T. was created." I smiled and pressed end. We weren't gonna upload this yet, we were just gonna edit some until we were finished with all Draw My Life, and there I sat down and waited.

Hanna's P.O.V.

"Hello! We are F.A.T. and I am HannaTheBanana, doing a draw my life video!" I waved to the camera then put it facing the whiteboard. "I was born in Las Pinas, at July fourteen nineteen-ninety four." I drew me as a baby, "I had lots of siblings, triplets were *stillborns. One died because it ate to much food, I had two sisters, Zoula and Laura who I call Maymay, and two brothers, EJ and Leo."When I was young, I was sent to

DayCare where I met my three best friends, Lucy, Samy, and Pats." I drew three people then erased. "We weren't really... Best friends, we were just close friends, but that changed in Grade two." I put a number two on my whiteboard then erased. "We were put up in the same section and our class adviser was a teacher who EVERYONE loved!" I drew a teacher, well it didn't really look like a teacher.

"Her name was Marie Therese Marquina, or Ms. Marquina." I drew an arrow and wrote Ms. Marquina "We had alot of dogs. I can't remember all of them.." I tried to think.. But I couldn't "In third grade, me and Patricia took Taekwondo lessons and let me tell you, we were completely HORRIBLE AT IT!" I drew me kicking and my legs were zig-zags and erased.

"But of course, we advanced. We moved to Yellow Belt and soon... We were black belts." I drew a belt and shaded it. "I also took Swimming and became varsity." "I won all my games!" I drew three boxes, I wrote 1st 2nd and 3rd and put a person on each, on the one standing on the box that said 1st I put Hanna on top of the head,

"Lucille took badminton and she was great at it! She became a varsity and won all championships." I drew a girl holding a trophy. "Sam took Gymanstics, she wasn't so bad at it either, and let's just say... We all had our own kind of sports."

"We finished High School in the age of sixteen, which..... We met up at Starbucks and now I am here!" "When we moved to U.S, we saw the youtube app and decided we'd post our first 'video' there." I did the youtube sign then erased."Subscribers went up and UP and up!" "And we, Can't thank you enough. Thank you guys for EVERYTHING!"

"And on the way. I met some pretty famous guys." I named some guys, "SkyDoesMinecraft, Smosh, Deadlox, TrueMU, and I even went on a date on the Web King! Pewdiepie." I drew a heart and wrote Pewds + Hanna= Love, cheesy right? "Thank you again, for EVERYTHING!" I smiled, even though they couldn't see me. "And... Goodby foods." I waved and pressed end.


Stillborns - Babies who die in their mothers womb.



The Gamer Girls. (A Youtube/One Direction fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ