Chapter 21. Dead

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A/N: Hey guys. Hanna here! Thank you! Also please comment, and vote! I hate silent readers, Well here is Chapter 21. Dead

Louis P.O.V.

Dead? Dead? DEAD?! No... No.. "No, no, no!" I sobbed, "WAKE UP! Patricia! Wake up!" I kept yelling, she's not dead. I reminded myself, the nurse pulled me away "I'm sorry, sir, but until we fix the problem you'll have to wait outside." Each of the gang went out to the waiting room.

"Fucking hell!" Felix screamed, "Hanna can't be fucking dead!" He punched the wall, in anger. "Calm down... Calm down..."

"Oh, shut up, Lucille!" Felix snapped, "Shut up? SHUT UP!? Listen, Felix! You don't know shit! She's your girlfriend but she's my sister! You think you're the only fucking one who feels sad? Look at Louis! He's having a fucking mental breakdown!" Laura snapped, I like this girl, sassy. What the hell is going on your mind? God, Louis..

"Fucking shit... My bestfriend can't be dead..." Sam mumbled, the whole place was silent, besides the mumbling

Patricia's P.O.V.


Me and Hanna stared at each other, we were in a white place. It was quiet, then... "It is not your time yet!" a deep voiced howled, I stared at Hanna confused. "Go back, my child. It is not your time." and there and then, it was complete darkness... My eyes opened, seeing a girl in a nurse suit. "Oh my! You're-" I quickly hushed her.

"Hello, miss. It would be better if you didn't tell them, can I please have my cellphone back?" Hanna asked, I didn't realize Hanna was awake. The nurse got her cellphone from her desk with in no time. Hanna dialed Sam's number and it started ringing, "Sam..." Hanna mumbled, "Yeah, don't tell anyone. I'd rather... not let them know, they'd get excited you know? Tell them... next week, if they ask

who you're talking to, tell them it's the nurse, Alyssa." "Kay. What do I tell them else?" She asked, "Fake cry. Tell them that Hanna and Patricia are really dead, they tried everything but nothing happened." I informed her, I looked at my skin, wow... It's as black as a crow. Everything is burned head to toe, I touched my forehead and yelped in pain.

"Geez, Hanna. This stuff sucks." I looked at her, "I know! Every time, I move, it sings as hell. It was hard enough to talk but it's harder to hold the phone," "Ouch!" we yelled in unison, the burn was painful as shit. Wait, shut up Patricia, you keep on rambling and rambling.

I looked at the time, it was lunch, "Aly- Oh she's not here..." I mumbled "Where's Lysa? I'm starving." Wow, Hanna was just reading my mind. I'd call Hanna the... nickname- maker, for making up nicknames, like Patty McFatty, Lucy Banucy, Lucy Mabucy, Sammy Booby, yeah..

"Hello, Ms. Dadios and Ms. Contado, I see that you're starving, so here's your food." No shit, Sherlock. I thought that hospital food would taste, well you know, horrible. But this stuff is actually decent, sunny-side up eggs. "Ms. Doctor Dadios-" I didn't actually listen anymore, knowing that Hanna's brother would be our doctor?

Awkward. "Okay," Hanna had a huge smile on her face, she missed her brother, Leo. Leo moved to America and decided to work as a doctor, before he was just a nurse but he changed jobs. "Holy crud, Pats! My own brother is my doc-" She stopped, it's kinda awkward between us and... him.

Let's just say him and I have broken up. "Oh yeah, sorry." "It's... fine." I whisper. "Anyways, let's not be sad! We're alive again. Don't wanna die a second time, do you?" Hanna joked, a boy, with fine hair and a doctor's outfit comes in the room. "Hey, Hanna, Pat, mind if I call you by your first name?" I nod my head,

"Okay then, this is really simple. You'll be staying at the hospital for a week, we will provide you with your medicine to stop the pain. Got it?" I nod my head, again. I'd rather not talk about anything right now. "You will be provided with a professional to help you with the pain, you will meet at Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Please welcome... The Rock or... Dwayne Johnson." a man,

oh who the hell cares?! You don't need to know how he looks like. He's The Rock! "Pleasure to meet you, sir." Hanna was speechless, we were meeting Dwayne Johnson, he was our fudging coach-what-so-ever. "Hello, ladies. I've heard about you two, I am a big fan of you." Now this time it was my turn to be shocked,

he... being a fan of... us?! Yes, we're pretty famous but I have never expected him to be a fan of four immature girls who just want to have a damn laugh. "Okay girls, tomorrow is Wednesday, get ready tomorrow. We're going running." Dwayne informed us, I was never a fan of running but Hanna felt pretty excited. Hanna was the second fastest runner, the first of Kyla, but if you made them chase each

other, Hanna would win. I just can't wait for Day one.


A/N: Hi, hope you enjoyed the JUST JOKING SUCKERS IT AINT OVER!


Hanna's P.O.V.

Day one? I thought it was gonna be fun, me being a fast runner, but nooo. Cause of these stupid burns they made it more painful, every time I move, a burning feeling rushes inside me. "Faster, ladies!" Dwayne yelled, I ran faster, I was exhausted. "Dwayne? Can we stop?" Patricia shouldn't have said that.

"Oh, really? Sissy! Ten push-ups." And Dwayne shouldn't have said that. It was that time of the month, for both of us, but I control it better. "Listen here, Johnson. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're a WWE player, but there's one thing you don't do." I informed him, "Pfft, I can do anything I want." I don't know what's happening but... Go with the flow.

"That one thing? Never. Ever. EVER. Piss a girl off, especially on her period." and there and then, Patricia had a weird scream "GEEEHAAAA!" She screamed, "I need... CHOCOLATE!" she yelled again, "God damn it!" She ran out of the field and into the room. You could see the stain on her pants.

"Thank, God I control it better." I mumbled. "Okay, dismiss!" I walked back to the hospital greeted by the nurses and doctors; and then and there I was greeted by someone else.

One Direction.


A/N: And that concludes our chapter, any questions?


Cause I'm on my Ipad and having huge writers' block.



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