Chapter 16. Tell Me A Lie Wait Hold The Fudge Up Let's Play Badminton!

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HELLO! I am so happy on how this story has become! It's already on Chapter 16 and I remember how I started this story on a piece of pad and how my bestfriend read it and told me it's awesome! Thanks for everything, guys! Love you! The title basically says what the chapter's gonna be about. Badminton!

Hanna's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling like crap, what time did I sleep last night? My back ached and I stood up and realised I slept on Lucy and she rolled me so I faced straight to the floor. "Gahhhhhh!" I yelled as I stretrched. "Damn it, where's Felix when you need him?" I wondered. Might as well call him my subconscious scolded me.

I followed what it told me, call him. Idiot me, I don't have his number. My phone beeped earning a text from a random number

From: Blocked Number

To: Hanna The Banana

Hey, baby! It's me Felix <3 Good morning baby!

Aww how sweet. I quickly changed the name

To: Web King

From: Hanna The Banana

Aww, baby! How sweet of you texting me in the morning <3 Miss ya baby! Could you come to the hotel? I'm with the boys. I'm the only one awake. We're in Pico De Loro Sand's Hotel 69 floor room 201

I knew he was gonna laugh when he saw the floor number, and my phone beeped.

From: Web King

To: Hanna The Banana

Hahahaahaaha! 69 ya shure? Well see you soon baby!

I didn't text him anymore cause my sneaky friends were behind my back. "Awwwww! Hanna's little boyfriend is coming." Lucy teased. "Atleast I have a boyfriend and you don't." I shot back, she looked down with a fake sad face, "Oh cut it." I rolled my eyes. "Tell me I'm a screwed up mess...." Patricia's eyes were covered by Louis

singing the part in Tell Me A Lie."You're a screwed up mess."

"That I never listen listen.

" "You never listen listen."

"Tell me you don't want my kiss."

"I don't want your- wait hold the fuck up." Patricia said and made me laugh, hard. And that kids is how they ended up to eat their faces. "NO SNOGGING!" Niall screamed "Use protection!" Another one from Harry. The doorbell rang and I was excited. I ran up to it and opened it, I saw a blonde with blue eyes.

"FEELIX!!!!!!" I yelled jumping up to hug him. He kissed me on the forehead, he brought a bag. Obviously recording equipment. "Guess what? Lads, turns out I met my favorite youtuber, Pewdiepie!" Harry screamed bursting through the door "OH MY GOD! HE'S HERE RIGHT NOW!" And he litteraly fainted right down the spot.

"FELIX! You monster!" He raised his hands up in surrender, "AIn't my fault I'm just so.... loved." He put his hand on his heart, geez his sarcasm is just too damn high. "It's okay, baby." I said, combing his hair like what you would do to a dog.

"Babe! Let's play a game of badminton. I heard they have a badminton court here." Felix said. "Dude, do you have a tennis racket though?" I asked him. "Of course! I do my research before playing games." Wow. Felix is actually being smart. "I'll go ask the girls." "Lads, Girls! Wanna play badminton?" I asked. They all scrambled to get up which meant they were going.

"Oh wait... We're in Pico De Loro Sand's hotel? I know this place! My mom owns a unit at Carola 607A! Patricia we met here once." I said. "Remember in the shuttle? I was playing with my mom and dad. You were with your mom and Ivan! You were in a swimsuit, I was going home so I could go to church? Remember?" I said "You even said that in third grade to Sir Baylon!" I said again.

"C'mon let's get downstairs to the shuttle." Patricia nodded and we all agreed. We got down the building and told the gaurd for a shuttle. It came at once. "Country Club please." I said loud and clear, sometimes if they don't hear you they pass by it and you have to repeat what they say. "We're here!" We got off hte shuttle and we put on our rubber shoes when we arrived to the court.

"Pattie, you booked for one hour already, right?" I asked her, she hestitated but nodded. I grabbed my racket and served, I was against Louis. Lucky me cause he was bad as hell. "You suck!" I screamed and he hit me with shuttle cock. "FUCK YOU!" He screamed. "Oh shut up, you spoiled brat! There are kids here." I pointed out to the other side.

"I'm going against Felix, you guys suck." I said and switched courts with Patricia "Okay, Pewds! Show me what you got." He hit the shuttle cock and he was pretty good but let me tell you one thing, I was better. Patricia was dying from Lucille with all the hits she took. Lucy took badminton practice so that was a good reason.

"Hiyaaaaaaa!" Felix screamed as he hit the shuttle cock, I hit it back. Ya know? Life is like a shuttle cock. You get hit and life hits you back in a different direction but you end up- getting hit with a shuttle cock in the face. Fuck you too, Felix. "I love you too, Hanna!" Felix yelled, I am gonna kill him.

"Haaaaaaaaa, BIOTCHACHO!" I yelled as a I hit him with the shuttle cock, hard, in the balls. "Gaaaaaaaaahh! I'm going back to the hotel!" Felix says, and I laugh. "Wiiiimp!" He tackled me to the ground "Who's the wimp now?" The huge smirk on his face would never leave. I rolled to the other-side making him on the ground and me on top. "You." I stood up and pretended I was gonna step on him.

"Ahh... Javala ni." He cursed in Sweden, he asked Louis the keys and Louis gives it to him. Louis whispers something inaudible to Patricia, but I don't care. "C'mon fatso! Exercise?" I asked. Just climb up the damn stairs! He does, finally. Taking a century and tells the guard for a shuttle.

"Lalalala." He brought out his camera, and hugged me. I quickly moved away "Gross! Your sweaty!" I was laughing and he was laughing too on the way I reacted. He was filming, typical. "H-h-hows it's going bros, my name is Pewdiepie!" "Sup suckas, my name is Hanna but you can call me Banana!" I said my usual intro,

"So we're all sweaty and shit cause we played badminton."

"No! Only you're sweaty cause you suck and you're a wimp." I protested quickly, "Well, atleast I didn't get hit at the shuttle cock three times!" Oh this shit was on. "Atleast I didn't get hit by a thing thats name has cock in the cock with it!" It was like a tongue twister, but fuck it. "Okay, bros. Vote who did better. Banana-" "I'm better than you."

"Shut up." For the first time, I obeyed him. "Or the fabulously awesome Pewdiepie?" typical Pewds. "Bye bros!" He did his outro, the brofist and all, and I did mine, a high five. "Bye, suckas!" I high fived the screen and when the video ended, the shuttle was there. "Ha, just in time." Pewds commented. "Pico Sands Hotel, po." I said,

"Why'd you say po?" He asked. "It's a Filipino thing we do here." I said. When we got into the hotel we did the usual and got mobbed by a few fans, we walked into the room, bumping a few fans on the way. "I'm tired, I'm taking a nap." I said as I took off my shoes and socks and jumped on the bed, not caring whos bed it was, I just want to sleep. "Night...Banana." he kissed my forehead, and

I drifted off to sleep.


A/N: So how'd you like it? This chapter was dedicated to be a Halix/Hanix chapter! Hanna and Felix, what do you think Louis said to Patricia? BYE BITCHACHOS!

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