Episode 3

701 45 5

In which she pulls a prank:

"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT." Chanyeol screamed as he tore down the hallway.

Minah was close behind him, occasionally checking behind her to see if the security guard was still following them.

Baekhyun turned the corner and tripped. Chanyeol helped him up and kept running.


Five hours ago:

"Hey Minah."

Minah turned around to see Chanyeol standing nervously by her door. She knew what this meant. Minah put down her pencil and turned fully to Chanyeol, "What is it Chanyeol?"

"We need your help."

Minah sighed. She was going to regret this.

It's already been three months since the 6 guys moved in. Minah had slowly started to realize all their habits and routines. For example, every Thursday night Luhan would watch hours worth of kdramas. Minseok would make a shit ton of coffee every morning, even if no one drinks it. Yixing is prone to sleeping anywhere and everywhere. Minah had gotten quite a fright when she went to do her laundry and found Yixing passed out on top of the washing machine.

Kris was the only one Minah wasn't certain on. He was distant to her. Unlike the rest of the guys, he didn't try to get along. The only person he seemed somewhat nice to was Yixing. But that doesn't count because they were dating. That wasn't another thing Minah didn't understand, how could someone so sweet, kind and caring as Yixing end up with such a cold person.

She had asked Yixing that once but he merely shrugged saying, "Love has no boundaries."

And then there was Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Minah was well aware about these two. They were the most troublesome out of the six. Constantly screaming and pranking with the occasionally singing and rapping. They were such a loud couple.

Minah sat in their room, nervous about what they were about to drag her into.

"Okay so two weeks ago, that fucking Mark Tuan gave us a dare." Baekhyun started.

Minah sighed, she didn't like where this was going. Chanyeol stood next to Baekhyun, "And we couldn't back down! So we said yes."

Minah rubbed her forehead, already feeling a headache coming on, "What was the dare."

"To sneak into the math department office and glue everything on the ceiling."

"Oh god."

Minah pulled on comfortable sneakers. She had a feeling she was going to have to run tonight.

"Why me? Why not Luhan or Minseok?"

"Luhan is too loud and Minseok is too slow. Yixing is too much of a goody two shoes and Kris won't even reply if we ask." Chanyeol replied as he put on a SnapBack.

Minah sighed and tied up her hair, "Let's get this over with."


Minah turned around and choked on her own spit when she saw Baekhyun.

"What in the world are you wearing?!"

Baekhyun was dressed in all black, he had a ski mask on his face and black face paint underneath his eyes. Chanyeol bit back a smile as he examined his ridiculous looking boyfriend.

"What are you wearing?" Baekhyun asked, motioning to Minah's skinny jeans and graphic t-shirt.

"Uh...proper clothes? That don't make me look like an idiot?"

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