Episode 18

648 36 9

In which she takes a trip:

Minah spat out her water as Kris walked into the room. The taller male was dressed in very baggy pants, a tight v neck and had a snapback on backwards. He also had sunglasses on as well, even though he was inside and it was also 2 in the morning.

"Yo wassup," Kris drawled out.

"What in the world are you wearing?"

"We're going to America, which means I have to dress like a true american."

"You look stupid."

Yixing walked into the kitchen, took one look at Kris and turned right back around. Minah stifled a laugh at the taller's rejected expression. Yixing came back a few seconds later holding black pants and a sweatshirt. He forced the articles of clothing in Kris's arm and pushed him out of the kitchen. Kris groaned but went to go change.

"You know, I have crazy respect for you." Minah said, handing Yixing a cup of coffee. The latter sipped at the hot beverage and smiled, "I know honey."

Minah poked her head out of the kitchen and checked to see that Luhan and Baekhyun were still preoccupied with their last minute packing before walking back to Yixing. Minah jumped up on the counter, swinging her legs as she stared at Yixing who was sitting in front of her.
She bit her lip as she tried to think on how she should ask the older male.

"Hey Yixing?"


"When do you cross the line from being friends to....you know...-"

"Dating? Minah, is this about Jongdae?"

Minah's eyes widened as she shook her head, "What?! No, don't be ridiculous..." She trailed off when she saw Yixing giving her a pointed look. Minah lowered her head, "Okay maybe it is."

"Explain to Xingie." Yixing said, sipping his coffee like it was a glass of wine. Minah snorted but tried to explain her predicament, "I don't know what I feel, but it's different from what I feel from you guys. When Chanyeol hugs me, I get annoyed but when Jongdae merely touches my shoulder, my heart drops to my stomach. I have this urge....to keep a smile on his face and...I don't know!" Minah exclaimed, hiding her face in her hands.

Yixing set down the coffee mug, pushing it aside as he pulled Minah into his lap, "Min-Min, listen to me. That stuff is normal, that means that you like him....do you want to hear a secret?" 

Minah nodded, still hiding her face in Yixing's shoulder.

"You guys already act like you're dating. I mean, Jongdae doesn't even talk to other girls, you spend all your time in school with him. He's already placed a little Jongdae-bubble around you."

Minah raised her face slightly, "J-Jongdae bubble?"

Yixing laughed, "Yea, Suho came up to me the other day, asking if you and Jongdae were dating. Apparently Jongdae caught Suho staring at you and he traced a heart on your back and mouthed the word 'mine'." Yixing chuckled, "He's possessive."

Minah flinched when she felt around pair of arms come up behind her. She turned to see Kris (wearing normal clothes) hugging her.

"I invited the little booger."

Minah straightened up, "Really?!"

Kris grinned, "No matter how annoying he is, I can't have you seventh wheeling."

Minah rolled her eyes and shoved Kris gently. Kris let out a good natured laugh as he picked up Minah, bridal style. She squealed as he spun her around.

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