Episode 15

630 38 3

In which memories are made:

"Alright, who's up first?"

Jongdae shot Minah a look. She smiled softly at him, "Do you want to go?"

Jongdae shrugged his shoulders and raised his hand. Minah pulled out her project folder and the flash drive. The teacher smiled widely and clapped his hands, "Alright, Mr. Kim and Miss. Yoon! Our first victims."

Minah rolled her eyes and she walked down to the front of the classroom. The girls kept their eyes on Jongdae. Much like Kris, Chanyeol and Luhan, Jongdae was well known at college. Once, a couple girls tried to intervene Minah and 'warn' her to stay away but Minah just laughed and walked away.

Her body was still sore from the weekend trip. For twelve hours, she really let herself go. She ran around, played to her heart's content. Never had she laughed so much in her life.

The teacher handed them his laser pointer and sat behind his desk. Minah pulled up the PowerPoint and Jongdae stood in front, waving. The girls giggled as he tried to wink at couple of them.

Minah cleared her throat, catching Jongdae's attention. She pressed the space bar and reveled the first slide.

It was a picture of the 8 of them on the beach. Kris, Chanyeol and Minseok had Yixing, Baekhyun and Luhan on their back while Minah and Jongdae were sitting next to each other on the sand.

"Memories." Minah spoke up, catching everyone's attention, "are moments that you remember, whether it's good or bad."

Jongdae nodded, "And memories remind us of our mistakes, our successes. It can inspire you, scare you, make you angry."

Minah went to the next slide, a series of pictures were on the screen. Jongdae in the water, Chanyeol and Baekhyun lying on the beach, Yixing trying to cover Kris with sand when he fell asleep.

Minah glared at the blonde haired boy who pushed her out of the car.

Baekhyun, who just seemed to notice what he did, widened his eyes and ran away. Minah took off, chasing the screaming boy.

Kris, who had huge sunglasses on, stepped out of the van. He placed his hands on his waist and took a deep breath.

"Move, Miss Universe." Luhan chided, kicking Kris's butt.

Minseok snickered, "I wouldn't have done that."

Luhan rolled his eyes (he was feeling particularly sassy today), "What? Is he going to glare at me to death?"

Kris propped the sunglasses on his head and bent down, grabbing Luhan by the waist and slugging him over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

Minseok grinned, "No, but he will do that."

Luhan screamed as Kris leisurely walked to the shore. Minah, who lost interest in chasing Baekhyun, pulled out her Polaroid camera. She ran closer as Kris approached the water.

Luhan tried to hit Kris's back, "Wait! I have my phone in my pocket!"

Kris chuckled, "Nice try Bambi, your phone is in the car."


Minah laughed as she took a picture right as Kris tossed Luhan into the cold, salty water.
She waited for a couple minutes before the picture came out.

She grinned.


"Being honest here, we used this assignment as an excuse to hang out with our friends." Jongdae said, earning a couple laughs.

Minah shrugged, "Our PowerPoint is mostly picture of the seven idiots."

Jongdae nodded, but then froze when he realized that Minah said seven, which meant she was talking about him too, "HEY!"

Minah ignored him and kept talking, trying to fight down the smile that was threatening to show, "We also learned that we make memories subconsciously. Right now, you are all making memories. Now, whether you remember or not is the key. Another interesting thing we found was that, anything could trigger a memory."

Minah grabbed an eraser from her pocket and threw it at Jongdae, "Dae, Catch!"

Jongdae let out a shriek as he tried to catch the flying eraser. Being caught off guard, he fumbled with it until he finally secured it with his right hand.

Minah laughed, "That right there, reminded me when over the weekend, I threw a ball at Jongdae and he fell face first into the water trying to catch it."

Jongdae frowned, "That did not happen!"

Minah smirked at the class and pressed the space bar. Laughter erupted in the class when a picture of Jongdae face down in the water popped up. Jongdae laughed nervously as he rubbed the back of his head, "Okay maybe it did happen."

Minah laughed, "And our last discovery, memories are linked with emotions."

"Happy." She clicked to the next picture, which was Yixing smiling brightly at the camera, his dimples in full view. The girls in the class awed as they tried to capture the picture with their own phones.

"Sad." Minah moved onto the next picture which was of Chanyeol pouting at an empty plate while everyone else around him were happily eating watermelon. This got more laughter.

"Angry." Minah moved onto the next picture which was her personal favorite. It was Kris looking at his phone's front camera in absolute rage. Baekhyun and Minah had took the liberty to draw on his face when Kris fell asleep and he went for a couple hours without noticing. And when he did, he was not happy.

The class erupted in laughter, seeing that this was the first time they saw poker faced Kris look so distressed.

"Love." Minah moved onto her next favorite picture. It was Yixing and Kris sitting on the beach, staring at the sunset. Kris had Yixing in his lap, his chin resting on top of the latter's head. Yixing was relaxed, leaning back against Kris's sturdy chest. They both had lazily smiles on their faces as their hands were interlocked tightly.

The girls squealed and the professor smiled. Minah kept clicking through the picture rapidly. She stopped at the last one. It was the eight of them all lying in a circle, staring up at the sky.

It was a major pain in the ass to take this picture but they finally did it with the help of some random strangers.

"Memories mean happiness to us." Jongdae spoke up.

Minah nodded, "A special happiness that you get from knowing that you are okay. That nothing could hurt you or bring you down."

"Those memories give us strength, and those are the best type of memories." Jongdae finished.

It was silent at first. Jongdae's smile faltered and Minah shot him a worried look. But then the clapping started.

It was loud and the smile returned immediately on Jongdae's face and Minah couldn't help but melt a little.

So she made herself a promise.
To keep that smile on his face.

Minah sighed as she walked out of her last class. It was late at night and the college campus was nearly empty. She walked past the main announcement board quickly but then froze.

She backed up, looking at the announcement board again.

Her eyes widened as she took in the poster.

This wasn't good at all.

Minah ripped the poster off the board and ran.

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