Episode 14

633 44 2

In which she turns 20:

"I can see you."

"Shh no you can't"

"How can I not see a huge ass 6 foot tall man in the living room with hot pink balloons?"

".....okay maybe you can see me."

Chanyeol slumped as he sat down on the couch, letting go of the balloons. Minah watched as the balloons floated up to where the ceiling fan was spinning in high speed. She opened her mouth to warn Chanyeol but she was too late. To Chanyeol's dismay, the balloons popped, the remains fell on Chanyeol's head.

Minah fought back a smile as Chanyeol's bottom lip started to quiver. "It's okay Chan, we'll buy more!"

Chanyeol shook his head, pouting like a little kid, "I bought those for you and I popped them!" Minah resisted the urge to groan loudly and picked the balloon remains off Chanyeol's head before running her fingers through his hair, "Come on you big baby, let's go buy more."

Chanyeol shook his head stubbornly.

"I'll get you ice cream."

Chanyeol hesitated but shook his head.

"I'll let you buy matching hats for us, " This got Chanyeol's attention. He desperately wanted to buy Minah a hat that matched one of his but Minah always shot his idea down. Minah decided it was time to go for the kill, "And I'll wear it...for an entire week."

Chanyeol shot up, grabbing his wallet and Minah's hand, "Well? Let's go. Those balloons aren't going to buy themselves."

Minah laughed to herself as she followed Chanyeol out of their apartment building. It was like taking candy from a baby.

Minah blinked as Chanyeol sat on the ground, studying two hats very closely. He had four balloons tied to his wrist and looked absolutely ridiculous as he stared the two hats down.

"Chan, pick one."

"But this one is pink with white outlines and this one is white with pink outlines. I don't know which one to pick!"

Chanyeol seemed genuinely distressed as he glanced from hat to hat.

"Chan, don't think too hard, you'll hurt yourself."

Chanyeol just pouted at her words and went back to comparing the hats.

"Hello! How may I help yo- oh it's you."

Minah turned around to see Reyna glaring at her. Chanyeol looked up, his face hardening the moment he saw Reyna.

Chanyeol loved everyone. He was like an oversized puppy, bouncing from person to person. Maybe that's why he was so popular in college. The girls loved his charming smile and friendliness. They thought it was 'cute'.

But if there was one person that Chanyeol hated, it was Reyna. Not only did Baekhyun rant to Chanyeol about what he witnessed Reyna do to Minah, he also walked in on her giving Minah a hard time.

Minah convinced him not to say anything and forget about the instance all together but Chanyeol never forgot.

So when he saw Reyna, glaring at Minah, he went full on 'protective mode'.

"Come on Min, lets go to a different shop."

"But this is your favori-"

"Not anymore."

Reyna winced at his harsh words. Instead of retorting, she grabbed a random hat from the shelf and threw it at Minah.

"What's this?" Minah eyed the black SnapBack. It had a silver sequined skull on it and had a little ring dangling from the rim.

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