Episode 17

658 37 7

(Double update hello!)
Warning: this chapter is very shitty

In which she faces death:

The end is here.
It's finals season.
The month leading up to the multitude of tests that have the ability to completely screw you over. The stress had doubled, the professors were getting stricter and the students were going crazy. Literally.

Minah could vouch for that. Just last week, she walked in on Chanyeol rocking back and forth in the middle of her room. When she asked him about it a few days later, the latter stared at her blankly, claiming that he doesn't remember the incident at all.

Each boy had their own way of studying, Minah had noticed. Chanyeol and Baekhyun chose to lay down in the living room, their textbooks scattered around them. Baekhyun had his notebook on Chanyeol's stomach who was laying down on his back. Chanyeol's arm was stretched out, gently rubbing Baekhyun's back as they reviewed the notes vocally.

Minseok and Luhan were in the kitchen, rolling a soccer ball back and forth on the counter as they quizzed each other. Kris and Yixing opted to stay in their room. Kris was in his own world, flipping through his notes, highlighting, annotating but he always had Yixing in his lap. The younger male was also in his own world, rewriting his notes but he cuddled up against Kris's chest. 

Jongdae made himself comfortable at Minah's desk. He had dropped by one day, hoping to see if Minah was free to go with him to get food. He saw that she was hard at work and left quietly, only to come back a couple minutes later with his backpack.

Minah watched as Jongdae got out his textbook and notebook, placing it next to Minah's own notebook. He pulled up a chair beside Minah and started working.

Minah stared at the intruding boy for a couple of seconds before rolling her eyes and going back to her work.

Jongdae grinned in victory.

It was D-7, just a week before the finals start. Minah decided to take a break and do her laundry.

It was close to 11 at night and she yawned as she carried her laundry hamper to the washing machine.

She passed the bathroom, pausing when she saw steam coming from underneath the door. It must be Kris. Only the tall Chinese male would take showers at 11 at night.

Minah shoved her dirty clothes in the washing machine and turned it on. She turned when she heard the bathroom door open.

Her eyes widened when she saw Kris step out.


Kris snapped out of his sleepy daze, staring at Minah, "WHAT? WHAT'S WRONG?"

Minah's arm quivered as she pointed to Kris....well, more accurately, his hair.

"Y-your h-hair!" Minah stuttered, still in shock.

"What?! What's wrong with it?!"

"It's.....iTS SILVER!"


Yixing smacked the silver haired boy's arm, "How the hell did you manage to accidentally dye your hair silver?!"

Kris pouted as he pulled pathetically at a couple strands of his now silver hair, "The bottle said silver wolf and I thought it was the name of the company! I wanted my hair to smell manly like a wolf."

"You're an idiot."

Kris frowned, "Whatever, I think I look cool."

Yixing rolled his eyes, "I'm dating an actual idiot."

It was now D-1.

The last day of classes, finals were starting tomorrow. Minah had pulled her third all nighter in two weeks and she was ready to collapse.

The teacher wasn't making it an easier, she was going on about how she was so proud of her students for getting through the year and Minah was practically falling asleep.

Jongdae threw her a worried look from beside her, "Did you sleep?"

Minah shook her head slowly. Jongdae frowned and scooted his stool closer, until their shoulders were touching. He placed a gentle hand on her back and starting rubbing circles, trying to relax Minah.

"You should sleep, I'll wake you up when class ends."

Minah smiled gratefully at Jongdae and put her head down, closing her eyes as she rested on her arms. With the help of Jongdae's comforting back rubs, Minah fell asleep immediately.

Jongdae stopped paying attention to the teacher and leaned on his arm, staring at Minah.

If it wasn't obvious, he had a major crush on the latter. Ever since she stood in front of Yixing, protecting the dimpled male, Jongdae knew that he was done for.

Jongdae was bi, he's had both boyfriends and girlfriends in the past but he always rushed those relationships. They always seemed to end right after they started but Minah was different.

It took Jongdae 5 months alone to befriend her, and now that they were close, Jongdae was happy. 

He hadn't had the easiest journey. With his parents neglecting him, a certain bully in middle school, Jongdae wasn't always happy but seeing Minah's struggles, he vowed to help her through the hard times.

Jongdae was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a glare on his back. Without stopping his rubbing on Minah's back, Jongdae turned around, only to see the class president, Suho, glaring at him.

Jongdae frowned when he realized the look Suho was giving Minah. He gently traced a large, clear heart on Minah's back as he made eye contact with Suho. He glared at the pale boy, shaking his head slowly.

"Mine." He mouthed.

Suho shifted in his seat uncomfortably but looked away. Jongdae grinned and turned back to face the front, continued to stare at the asleep and oblivious Minah.

Minah let out a loud sigh as she shut the front door behind her. She was officially done.
She had just finished her last final and she was free.

The other boys were relaxing in the living room. The speakers were blasting some of Kris's 'American rap' and everyone was laughing and discussing how they think they did.

Minah's fingers flew instinctively to the necklace around her neck. She smiled as she gently rubbed the charms between her fingers, watching the boys all laugh and play.

Luhan was the first to notice her. He held up an arm, "Hey Minah! Come! We were waiting for you!"

Minah dropped her backpack and walked to the living room. Baekhyun grabbed her ankle and she screamed as the male pulled her down. She just happened to fall in Chanyeol's lap who happily hugged her. Minah rolled her eyes but let the giant hug her.

Jongdae chuckled but froze when Baekhyun grabbed his wrist. Minah laughed as Baekhyun pulled Jongdae into a tight hug.

"Look at these two kiddos!" Baekhyun cooed as he motioned to Minah and Jongdae.

"Mindae? Jongmin?" Chanyeol hummed indecisively.

Luhan rolled his eyes, "We'll discuss their love life later, I have some important news!"

Minah decided to ignore that little jab at her and Jongdae. The boys had the tendency to try to get Minah and Jongdae together after the incident where Jongdae made tea for Minah when she was sick.

It wasn't like she didn't like the latter, she just didn't know how to....do relationships? She didn't like labels and she felt pressured when someone expected certain things from her.

And that's two things Minah hated, labels and expectations.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when Luhan jumped to his feet, "GUYS!.....WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY!"

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